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Captain Claw v1.30 (by Monolith) / Капитан Коготь (Eng/Rus + Extras) Exclusive Release!
Новость от: Liandri
Просмотров: 5046
Гроза семи морей, капитан Коготь, многими любим, но боятся его абсолютно все. Его смелость стала легендой, а его соратники готовы умереть за своего главаря. Могучий пират схвачен предателями и заточен в тюрьму Ла Рока. Но разве могут удержать столь великого человека кандалы и решетки? Не прошло и недели, как Коготь решил сбежать. Считавшийся потерянным бесценный артефакт Амулет Девяти Жизней не должен достаться никому, кроме отважного капитана. Ему требуется ваша помощь!
Игра создана по мотивам одноимённого мультфильма. 14 сюжетных и 243 любительских уровней, анимированная 8-битная ретро-графика и русская озвучка!


Claw is the world's first up-to-64-player, internet capable, arcade-style action adventure game for the PC! Claw, the greatest cat pirate ever to challenge the Cocker Spaniard Armada! Help him defeat his enemies in this action-packed quest for the Amulet of Nine Lives.

Remember a few years ago when side scrolling platform games were all the rage? There were so many of these games that they literally saturated the market, with many of them dismally failing due to really bad design. The console market has seen plenty of successes, most notably the Mario games and Sonic. Technology has forged ahead and now the companies are concentrating on 3D worlds. Going back to the core of what makes a good action platform game, Monolith Productions has released Claw.

What's so unique about Claw? Well, what sets this game apart from others isn't originality, innovation, or some new gimmick. This title is special because it combines the best elements of past games into a good looking, very playable high quality game. In an age where 3D gaming seems to be the only medium of choice, it's refreshing to be able to play an "old school" game.

As is the case in many games of this genre, you control a cute character (a cat). His name is, appropriately enough, Captain Claw. In the opening cinema he's captured by his archenemies and must escape the prison and find the missing gems he needs for his amulet of nine lives. Your quest won't be easy, but luckily you'll have some weapons at your disposal. Claw's main weapon is his sword. Other special weapons will be hidden throughout the various levels. He can also pick up certain barrels and throw them at the enemies for an explosive effect. There are even some magical items to further aid you. During the levels you'll be constantly collecting various coins, tokens, and other trinkets for points.

The graphics in Claw are some of the best I've seen. They are brightly drawn and all of the characters animate flawlessly. All of the levels have parallax scrolling for added depth. The cinema scenes are especially good looking with animation that rivals Sierra's King's Quest VII. This is one of the few platform games available on the PC, and the high-res graphics really give it an edge over the console competition.

Equally impressive in Claw is the music and voice. The cinema scenes have music spooled off the CD, but the levels are your basic midi music. As you're playing the levels, Claw will occasionally talk. Most of the time he's badmouthing the enemies, or telling the player to hurry up. The voice doesn't get annoying since it's not constantly being used.

Control in the game is pretty tight. It's easy to swing your sword, duck, and jump. Speaking of jumping, you'll be doing a lot throughout the game. There's disappearing blocks, moving platforms, spikes, tar pits, and just about every other hazard you can think of. Playing with a gamepad is highly recommended since the keyboard really doesn't do the game justice.

The game's only downfall is its difficulty. Claw looks so cartoony and cute that many younger kids will probably want to play it. The levels are full of enemies and instant deaths which can really be aggravating, especially to the younger players. It's difficult to obtain extra lives, and there are 14 big levels to beat. On your first try you'll be lucky if you make it past the first level.

If you love action platform games and don't mind a difficult quest, then Claw is definitely a PC game that you'll want to have in your gaming library. It's not often a game like this gets released on the PC, and it's even rarer to see one with this level of quality. Claw does support multiplayer gaming for up to 64 people on the internet, and Monolith Productions even has contests and level editors set up on their website. Let the swashbuckling begin, and win one for all the cats in the world.

Review by Craig Majaski

Особенности игры:
• Идеальный сплав приключения и экшна
• Количество бонусов зашкаливает! Капитан Коготь просто утопает в сотнях небольших призов раскиданных по уровню
• Великолепная анимация героев
• Мультяшная аркада, в которую трудно не влюбиться с первого взгляда

System requirements:
• Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP
• 100 Mhz
• 32 MB RAM
• DirectX 7

Resolution: 640x480 8-bit Fullscreen


Screenshots / Скриншоты:


ENG Captain Claw + Custom levels - RapidShare - 57 MB
Captain Claw v1.30 + 243 custom levels

RUS Капитан Коготь + Доп. уровни - RapidShare - 53.3 MB

Капитан Коготь v1.30 + 243 доп. уровня

Extras - RapidShare - 7.41 MB

Andanced options editor, Claw Design Bible, Portal client, Level editor, Game graphics and art, Walkthroughs, Trainer

Password / Пароль: www.2baksa.net

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Раздел: Игры | 10.12.06 | 23:45

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
Liandri 11.12.06 | 00:02:50

Вот, собственно, по просьбам. exclaim
Ещё хотел предложить J2ME-версию игры для мобилы, но не смог найти полную... Также в розыске версия от Руссобита "Капитан Клык". Если кто-то что-то может залить - напишите мне! rolleyes
bambur 11.12.06 | 02:01:24

Extras - http://www.filefactory.com/...
Elivian 11.12.06 | 10:22:50

Liandri, спасибо огромное!
KayJay 11.12.06 | 15:53:19

Bambur, can you upload Captain_Claw_Eng.rar (57Mb) to Filefactory please? Thanks!
Ania 11.12.06 | 15:56:54

Liandri, спасибо!
Bacdec 11.12.06 | 17:07:29

Спасибо, попробуем!!!
Bacdec 11.12.06 | 17:34:45

Странно, это только у меня проблемы или игра такая, прыжок почти всегда только короткий, пройти невозможно ни один уровень
Liandri 11.12.06 | 18:56:54

Его жать надо - чем дольше жмёшь тем выше прыгнет. Может глюк какой-то...
У меня XP SP2 русский, джойстик отлично работает, что о клаве-то говорить. DirectX 9c. question
Мне почему-то кажется что игра нормально будет работать даже на Vista...
hadi060 12.12.06 | 02:42:45

sad I can't extract the English version, it says me the pass word is wrong sad
plzz help me because I like this game..
The pass http://2baksa.net dosn't work with the eng version but it works with Extra archive.. I'm waiting..
hadi060 12.12.06 | 02:45:03

I wrot the pass without http:// of course.. as I always do.. still waiting..
Liandri 12.12.06 | 09:58:02

This is mean that archive was downloaded with errors or not as whole file. Re-download.
CyB3R4SC4L 12.12.06 | 23:42:32

The RAR archive of the english version is corrupted (wrong pass). sad eek evil arrow question
CyB3R4SC4L 12.12.06 | 23:44:45

Do u can re-upload this file plz? question THX idea
Liandri 13.12.06 | 02:01:56

I checked file myself, password is working fine. But you may try mirror: http://www.filefactory.com/...
KayJay 13.12.06 | 14:22:36

Yes, Liandri, it's working fine. Thanks! idea
hadi060 16.12.06 | 21:39:34

thanks so much Liandri, now it's ok..
you r soo nice .. biggrin
kasjakin 18.12.06 | 21:41:31

Спасибо огромное! cool
Saladin 19.12.06 | 13:07:55

Спасибо, сейчас гляну что за игрушка. rolleyes
MaxPain 19.12.06 | 16:44:49

Где взять пароль для архива Captain Claw? question
Liandri 19.12.06 | 19:24:24

Под ссылками.
xinfinity 21.12.06 | 02:11:13

Thankssssssss idea
Maleev 29.01.07 | 12:35:56

Just MaleevĄ :D :D :D :D :D :D surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised surprised lol lol confused confused mad mad mad
storm666 29.01.07 | 23:27:47

подскажите куда вбивать чит коды а то уже месяц парюсь ПАМАГИТЕ
AP0ST0L 19.07.07 | 10:12:02

Это мая любимая игра! Огромное спасибо!
AP0ST0L 19.07.07 | 10:22:16

Ура играет biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
AP0ST0L 19.07.07 | 10:41:52

Вот коды к игре! smile

Во время игры вводите следующие чит коды:
MPKFA - неуязвимость
MPPREV - переход на предыдущий уровень
MPNEXT - переход на следующий уровень
MPFPS - показать частоту кадров (fps)
MPMERLIN - полный запас магии
MPRAMBO - полный запас патронов
MPPYRO - полный запас динамита
MPGOBLE - информация о Goble
MPSCORPIO - то же самое, что и MPGOBLE
MPDEFVID - установка стандартного графического разрешения
MPINCVID - увеличить разрешение
MPDECVID - уменьшить разрешение
MPJAZZY - режим низкого графического разрешения
MPINFINITY - не будете терять жизни (но враги могут убить вас)
MPWIMPY - врагов становится труднее убить саблей
MPNIPPY - высокий прыжок
MPSUPERTHROW - супер бросок
MPNOINFO - показать или убрать On-screen info
MPSTOPWATCH - в нижнем левом углу показывается время
MPOBJECTS - в нижнем левом углу показываются предметы
MPTIMING - выдает информацию в верхнем левом углу
MPUPDATE - выдает еще больше информации в верхнем левом углу
MPFLUBBER - режим суперпрыжка
Harry 08.08.07 | 22:27:32

Bacdec pochemu u tebya ne poluchaetsya question
Harry 08.08.07 | 22:27:58

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu qde vi vse
Harry 08.08.07 | 22:29:02

kto iqral iqru Mortal Kombat?
Harry 08.08.07 | 22:29:47

Apostol otkuda ti uznal eti kodi? smile
Harry 08.08.07 | 22:33:43

kak otkrit temu?
xakep139 18.08.11 | 16:10:30

Огромное спасибо! surprised Игра - супер! biggrin
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