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3Planesoft Ice Clock 3D v1.1 Screensaver
Новость от: Liandri
Просмотров: 1403
Красивые ледяные часы с трёхмерным анимированным фоном в качестве заставки на рабочий стол.


If you want to be always in time, have your clock at hand and know the exact hours and minutes any moment you wish while using your personal computer, then the newly created program, Ice Clock 3D Screensaver, is what you need. Once you have installed it, the program will help you to manage your everyday activities without worrying about flying time. You will always be able to keep an eye on the clock whenever it is necessary.
But there is even more to it, beautifully created Ice Clock provides you with a wonderful view. The clock is stylized in the way of the frozen creek; the water and ice look real, creating the effect of refraction, and you may even see the little fish swimming in the deep water under the ice. Pleasant and relaxing music completes the view perfectly. You may enjoy the look of the Ice Clock, presenting nature in winter, which reminds of Happy New Year and Christmas, all those winter holidays which bring people happiness and joy, revealing warm and tender feelings in everybody. Designed with an ordinary user in mind, the program is easy to set up and use. It may be recommended to home users of all ages both men and women.

Info | Screenshots

Download / Скачать - RapidShare - 9.95 MB
Password / Пароль: www.2baksa.net

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Раздел: Оформление | 19.12.06 | 13:49

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
Sven32 19.12.06 | 14:00:35

Thanks Liandri biggrin biggrin
Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva i s Novim Godom idea
Gorefest 19.12.06 | 14:02:38

Liandri Огромная спасибо благодарю biggrin biggrin biggrin
xpsaeed 19.12.06 | 15:07:07

montecristo 19.12.06 | 15:56:27

спасибо , классная штучка biggrin
antistatic081269 19.12.06 | 16:50:47

biggrin biggrin biggrin ну и чудно смотрится surprised surprised surprised сенкссс rolleyes
andreagiovanni 19.12.06 | 18:43:36

biggrin Thanks From Italy
UGGIE 19.12.06 | 21:45:09

cool Thanks
Cometosee 19.12.06 | 22:35:28

biggrin biggrin biggrin
bambur 20.12.06 | 01:21:21

carlosal 20.12.06 | 04:14:42

Thanks From Uruguay biggrin smile
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