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Security Tools 2 AIO (by canalman)
Новость от: brodyga
Просмотров: 1428
Различные программы для того, что бы помочь Вам чувствовать себя безопасно как в сети так и вне её.

Various programs for this purpose what to help you to feel safe both in a network and out of it.

Security Tools 2 AIO by canalman

This AIO i made for people who want to protect/clean their pc from all sorts of un-deleteable malware/spyware/dialers/phishing garbage etc...
I tried to combined 19 useful tools that will help you do the job.
There are many anti-spyware scanners (free/AIO) so i left them out.
SOME PROGRAMS ARE FOR THE MORE EXPERIENCED USERS so use it only if you know what youre doing!

A-squared Anti-Dialer

No chance for the Dialer rip off! Protect your PC with a-squared Anti-Dialer from manipulated dial up connections, which can cause a phone bill of several hundred dollars quickly. a-squared Anti-Dialer provides a complete defense against Dialers. Scan all files on your harddisks for Dialer behavior using the Dialer scanner. The integrated background guard protects the PC from new infections. As soon as a potential Dialer creates or manipulates a dial up connection, the a-squared Anti-Dialer will alert it.


is another tool to add to your Wireless Intrusion Detection Toolbox. AirSnare will alert you to unfriendly MAC addresses on your network and will also alert you to DHCP requests taking place. If AirSnare detects an unfriendly MAC address you have the option of tracking the MAC address's access to IP addresses and ports or by launching Ethereal upon a detection.

Anti-Keylogger Elite (AKE)

is a utility designed to detect keyloggers and give you the power to Prevent Or Allow the keylogger to function. AKE can prevent known and unknown keyloggers from infiltrating your computer Logging everything you type on your keyboard and see on screen.


can delete locked files on your system. It uses advanced techniques to unload modules, close remote handles, and terminate processes to allow the optional removal of the file.

I Hate Keyloggers

will prevent your typing from being recorded by malicious software such as key loggers, spyware, remote administration tools. The software will disable hook-based keyloggers so the keyloggers will not be able to capture your keystrokes. This way you can type sensitive information (passwords, email, credit card number, etc) with confidence. The log file of the key logger will be empty (your keystrokes are not recorded).

Keylogger Detector

is easy-to-use tool to detect most types of keylogger and kill them. It is the first product of its kind in the world that based on windows HOOK technique, and does not reply on signature matching, so it can detect various types of keylogger possibly included in any commercial, shareware, freeware products, as well as in Trojan horses, viruses of very different operation principles.


is a service that detects and rapidly disables Internet "phishing" or "spoofing" attacks designed to steal critical financial data. PhishGuard works with all popular browsers on Microsoft Windows computers.Phishing attacks use fraudulent websites and emails that mimic well-known organizations in order to trick unsuspecting Internet users. A simple login or account number entry screen becomes a sophisticated trap. By assuming you are dealing with a trusted party, you can reveal financial information including credit card numbers, bank accounts, passwords, and social security numbers to the "bad guys". This type of attack is very difficult for the typical person to detect, as the scammer? emails and websites mimic the exact style and graphics of the spoofed company, and appear genuine. Sensitive financial information disclosed to scammers is used to make fraudulent financial transactions and to enable long-term identity theft.

Privacy Vault 2007

Lock down and hide sensitive data on you machine. Privacy Vault allows you to store pins, passwords, financial information, videos and media--or just about anything else--in a hidden and encrypted location. Once locked down, only your password can unlock the vault!


is an advanced rootkit detection utility. It runs on Windows NT 4 and higher and its output lists Registry and file system API discrepancies that may indicate the presence of a user-mode or kernel-mode rootkit. RootkitRevealer successfully detects all persistent rootkits published at www.rootkit.com, including AFX, Vanquish and HackerDefender (note: RootkitRevealer is not intended to detect rootkits like Fu that don't attempt to hide their files or registry keys). If you use it to identify the presence of a rootkit please let us know!


is a very useful Windows Explorer extension allowing users with a simple right-click on a file or folder to easily get rid of error message such as error deleting file or folder, cannot delete folder: it's being used by another person or program.
Helps delete locked files with error messages like:
Cannot delete file: Access is denied
There has been a sharing violation.
The source or destination file may be in use.
The file is in use by another program or user.
Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.


is a little utility that lets you disable some built-in update and authentication 'features' in WindowsXP.
For example, there's a service running in the background which is called 'Automatic Updates'. I don't know what this service transfers from my machine to other machines on the internet, especially the MS ones. So I play it safe and disable such functions. If you like, you can even disable these functions manually, by going through the System and checking or unchecking some checkboxes. This will take you approximately half an hour. But why wast time when a little neat utility can do the same in 1 minute? This utility was successfully tested by lots of users, and was found to disable all the known 'Suspicious' Functions in WindowsXP

Ad Muncher (best one around!)

is a powerful advert and popup blocking system for all browsers and advert-displaying programs like ICQ, Morpheus, Kazaa, Grokster, Opera, PalTalk, iMesh, Bearshare, LimeWire, etc.
Ad Muncher can be configured to block anything that annoys you, with simple options to block common annoyances like music and sound, colorful scroll bars, automatic bookmarking, interference with mouse clicks and many other things.


A general homepage hijackers detector and remover. Initially based on the article Hijacked!, but expanded with a lot of other checks against hijacker tricks. It is continually updated to detect and remove new hijacks. It does not target specific programs/URLs, just the methods used by hijackers to force you onto their sites.

RegVac (register cleaner)

is a System Registry cleaner consisting of 8 different tools to clean the registry of unneeded entries and stashes. Robo Vac is a bonus tool that with one click of the button cleans up to four sections: Classes, Software, Stash, and File Lists. Robo Scrubber can be set up to run on startup daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.


is a lightweight program that can disable or remove all known unnecessary startup entries from your computer and thus quicken the startup procedure of your system.


is a small (~100KB) Windows application that helps you decide whether to reboot your computer after running an installer. It does this by displaying a list of "pending file operations" (rename, delete, etc) that will occur after rebooting your computer. Quite often, no reboot is really needed.


utility displays the list of all processes currently running on your system. For each process, you can view the list of all modules (DLL files) that the process loads into memory. for all processes and modules, additional useful information is also displayed: product name, version, company name, description of the file, the size of the file, and more.

File Eraser

When you delete a file, Windows changes a special byte and marks the occupied space as free space. But the file contents remains unchanged on the disk. You can easily restore such a file with special software. It is not the way to delete confidential information. This program overwrites the deleted file a few times in different ways with random numbers.

File Eraser supports five erasing algorithms:

American national standard DoD 5220.22-M
German national standard VSITR
Russian national standard GOST Ð50739-95
Bruce Schneier algorithm
Peter Gutmann algorithm

WinSock XP Fix

WinSock XP Fix offers a last resort if your Internet connectivity has been corrupted due to invalid or removed registry entries. It can often cure the problem of lost connections after the removal of Adware components or improper uninstall of firewall applications or other tools that modify the XP network and Winsock settings. If you encounter connection problems after removing network related software, Adware or after registry clean-up; and all other ways fail, then give WinSock XP Fix a try. It can create a registry backup of your current settings, so it is fairly safe to use. We actually tested it on a test machine that was having a Winsock problem due to some Adware removal, and after running the utility and rebooting, the connectivity was restored.

46.5 MB

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Credits to canalman and yashar!

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Раздел: Наборы AIO | 09.05.07 | 10:39

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
Ice AXmIr 09.05.07 | 10:47:19

Mirror: http://depositfiles.com/fil...
Powerpack 09.05.07 | 10:58:37

Mirror download
Pass: canalman
Password: http://2baksa.net
bambur 09.05.07 | 13:09:34

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