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Voodooshield Pro 6.40
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 694
Традиционный черный список антивирусных программ пытается блокировать более 15 000 новых вирусов в день. Антивирусные компании не могут идти в ногу со всеми новыми вирусами. VoodooShield заблокирует весь исполняемый код (включая вирусы), кроме программного обеспечения, которое вы разрешаете. Большинство вирусов атакуют через веб-браузеры. VoodooShield использует запатентованный проактивный подход к защите от вирусов. При правиaльном использовании VoodooShield эффективно блокирует ВСЕ почтовые и браузерные вирусы и вредоносные программы. VoodooShield очень быстрый и легкий.

Traditional blacklist antivirus software attempts to block the 15,000+ new viruses a day. Antivirus companies cannot possibly keep up with all of the new viruses. VoodooShield will block all the executable code (including viruses), except the software you allow. Most viruses attack through Web browsers. VoodooShield uses a proprietary proactive whitelist approach to virus protection. When used properly, VoodooShield will effectively block ALL email and browser-based viruses and malware. VoodooShield is extremely fast and lightweight.

Creating whitelists for software
VoodooShield is a reliable application which takes a different approach to virus protection for your computer. The software cannot remove infected files, but it can block them from being opened and protect your computer from getting infected. The software features smart options that allow it to automatically create a whitelist snapshot, for all the programs and files that are always trusted.

Once the antivirus program has created a whitelist snapshot of your system, VoodooShield can block the functionality of your computer, so that it does not allow any other software to run. In other words, you may create a list of allowed programs and set your computer to only run the specified software. However, you may choose to allow additional programs through the protection wall.

User friendly computer lock
VoodooShield is designed to run in the background at all times, but it displays a small shield icon on the desktop, which you can easily relocate to the desired position. The shield indicates whether or not the VoodooShield is active or not: red when the protection is OFF and blue when it is ON.

Moreover, dragging and dropping any file onto the shield, causes the software to automatically scan the document for malware. If the software blocks the file, it is automatically uploaded for detailed analysis, onto the cloud based blacklist.

Whitelist based protection
VoodooShield is designed to learn the user’s preferences in regard with trusting the software. The learning process takes place as the software displays the red background and the OFF message. When you activate the protection, the software can automatically take a snapshot of your system, in order to determine which programs are trusted and block all others.

Официальный сайт | Home Page: https://voodooshield.com/
Размер | Size: 31.7 MB

Voodooshield Pro 6.40 + Activator-Dickmaster

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploaded.net

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 26.01.21 | 20:27

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
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