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Blue Iris (x64)
Новость от: BreakPoint
Просмотров: 1095
Blue Iris - полезная программа профессионального класса, которая использует самые современные видео-программные технологии, в том числе MPEG и распределение программ по сети Internet - Windows Media. Наблюдайте за вашим домом, автомобилем и ценными вещами. Наблюдайте за своими домашними животными или детьми. Наблюдайте за няней, сиделкой или вашими друзьями. Можно использовать до 64 камер (веб-камеры, видеокамеры, сетевые IP-камеры или аналоговые карты). Используйте обнаружение движения, аудио обнаружение или непрерывный захват. Наложите текст и графику. Используйте встроенный веб-сервер или размещайте на сайте. Получайте уведомления через громкоговоритель, электронную почту, мгновенный обмен сообщениями либо по телефону.

Video Capture. Use up to 64 cameras (webcams, camcorders, network IP cams, analog cards, or your PC desktop). Capture JPEG snapshots or capture movies in standard AVI, advanced DVR, or leading-edge Windows Media file formats.
Video Security. Keep an eye on your home, place of business, cars, and valuables; watch your pets or your kids; monitor your nanny, babysitter, or employees. Watch your door for mail, packages or visitors. Use motion detection, audio detection, or capture continuously. Receive alerts via loudspeaker, e-mail, instant messaging, or phone.
Webcam. Overlay text and graphics. Use the built-in web server, or post to a website. Webcast using MPEG ActiveX, JAVA, or Windows Media.

Video Security Features:
Use motion or audio sensing to trigger recording, or record continuously or periodically.
Overlay the current date/time as well as a logo or other information
Optionally record audio
Use a timer to determine when the system is armed
Images may be captured as either JPEG images, MPEG movies or Windows Media movies (full version).
Receive alerts via loudspeaker, email, instant message, voice phone call (with automatic redial), or external program/script
Run Blue Iris as a Windows service so that only you have control over its operation on a shared PC
All passwords are stored encrypted

Webcam Features:
Built-in multithreaded web server; supports authentication.
Broadcast MPEG, a JPEG image stream to a Java client applet, or,
Perform "true" webcasting using leading-edge Windows Media Technologies such as variable and multiple-bitrate encoding (full version).
View all cameras at once remotely
PTZ controls accessible remotely in MPEG broadcast window.
Stream and seek through large clips remotely without downloading the entire file.
Detailed stats window
Use Blue Iris's powerful digital Zoom and Pan functionality remotely!
The default home page allows you to view all of your cameras and captured clips remotely; this page is easily customized.
Integrated "mini-browser" to test your home page
Post images to a remote web server; maintain a ring of images; resize for use on cell phones and PDAs.

Technology Features
Simultaneously use up to 64 video cameras (with full version).
Use USB webcams, DV camcorders, network IP cams (see list below), as well as video servers.
Use generic BT848/878 cards, or we specifically recommend the 4-channel PV149 and 8/16-channel Hikvision DS-40xx cards
Overlay text, timestamps, and alpha-blended graphics.
The highly-efficient Blue Iris DVR file format allows time-slip viewing.
DirectX integration provides smooth digital scaling.
DirectShow integration provides optimal capture performance.
Windows Media technologies integration (full version) allows capture into WMV format and Windows Media webcasting.
Multithreaded, optimized and rigorously tested code for optimal performance.

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: http://blueirissoftware.com/
Размер | Size: 126 MB

Blue Iris (x64) + crack at4re

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploaded.net

Зеркало/Mirror - Katfile.com

Зеркало/Mirror - FileFox.cc

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 27.01.21 | 00:57

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