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Topaz DeNoise AI 2.4.0 (x64)
Новость от: BreakPoint
Просмотров: 894
Topaz DeNoise AI - является одним из передовых инструментов шумоподавления. Программа использует несколько алгоритмов обработки изображения в зависимости от формата исходного материала, имеет несколько уровневую систему корректировки изображения - что несомненно даст возможность профессионалам оценить все прелести данной программы.

Shoot anywhere in any light with no reservations. Eliminate noise and recover crisp detail in your images with the first AI-powered noise reduction tool. You may be surprised at the results you get.

Shoot anywhere in any light
Great noise reduction is like a lens upgrade. You'll be able to get much higher-quality results when you're shooting fast action shots, night images, or any other situation that requires a high ISO. Use DeNoise AI to help you create a pixel-perfect photo in any situation.

Groundbreaking technology
Noise reduction technology has basically been the same for a decade, with only minor incremental improvements here and there. (We would know - we made one!) DeNoise AI is different: we fed an algorithm millions of noisy/clear images until it actually learned what noise is and how best to remove it.

Recover true detail
DeNoise AI examines the whole image and holistically determines the difference between detail and noise in that photo. (Other NR tools only look at pixel-level detail.) After understanding what noise vs detail looks like for that specific image, DeNoise AI recovers a surprising amount of detail from noise.

Lightroom vs DeNoise AI
When you need pixel-level perfection in your results, DeNoise AI offers the absolute best quality currently available anywhere. Existing noise reduction tools like Lightroom give you a choice: keep some noise or remove some detail. DeNoise AI’s technology allows you to get the best of both worlds: to remove noise while actually strengthening detail.

- Enhance real detail
- Remove noise naturally with no smudging
- Best for moderate to ultra-high ISOs

Any noise reduction tool can remove noise – the really tricky part is to tell the difference between noise and detail. DeNoise AI helps you get the best quality at 100% by removing noise while recovering original image detail. Give it a try to see the difference for yourself!

Operating System Version:
- Windows 7 x64
- Windows 8/8.1 x64
- Windows 10 x64

Hardware Requirements:
- System RAM: 8GB / 16GB recommended
- GPU VRAM: 2GB / 4GB recommended

Graphics Card Requirements:
- NVIDIA: GeForce GTX 770 2GB / GeForce GTX 960 4GB recommended
- AMD: Radeon HD 8570 2GB / Radeon R9 270 4GB recommended
- Intel: HD Graphics 5000 / Iris Plus Graphics 640 recommended

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: www.topazlabs.com
Размер | Size: 1.1 GB

Topaz DeNoise AI 2.4.0 (x64) + RegFile

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploaded.net part 1
Зеркало/Mirror - Uploaded.net part 2

Зеркало/Mirror - atfile.com part 1
Зеркало/Mirror - Katfile.com part 2

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 27.01.21 | 01:40

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