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Prentice Hall - The Apache Modules Book
Новость от: QoSyS
Просмотров: 1145
# Paperback: 592 pages
# Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR; 1 edition (January 26, 2007)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0132409674
# ISBN-13: 978-0132409674
# Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 7 x 1.5 inches
Book Description
"Do you learn best by example and experimentation? This book is ideal. Have your favorite editor and compiler ready—you'll encounter example code you'll want to try right away. You've picked the right book—this is sure to become the de facto standard guide to writing Apache modules."
—Rich Bowen, coauthor, Apache Administrators Handbook, Apache Cookbook, and The Definitive Guide to Apache mod_rewrite
"A first-rate guide to getting the most out of Apache as a modular application platform—sure to become a must-read for any Apache programmer, from beginner to experienced professional. It builds up carefully and meticulously from the absolute basics, while including chapters on everything from the popular Apache DBD Framework to best practices, security, and debugging."
—Noirin Plunkett, documentation committer to the Apache httpd project, and member of the ASF conference committee
The Only Comprehensive Guide to Developing Apache 2.x Modules and Applications
Apache is more than the world's most popular Web server—it's also an extraordinarily powerful and extensible development platform. Now, ApacheTutor.org's Nick Kew has written The Apache Modules Book, the first start-to-finish, example-rich guide for every developer who wants to make the most of Apache.

Kew begins with detailed, accessible introductions to Apache's architecture and API, then illuminates all the techniques you'll need, from request processing through code security. He brings together the best of both worlds: powerful C-based techniques for accomplishing tasks Perl or PHP can't handle, implemented with tools that deliver all the productivity you'd expect from higher-level languages.
Utilizing realistic code samples, Kew introduces techniques documented in no other book-and, often, nowhere else at all.

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Раздел: Книги | 21.06.07 | 01:16

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MikserOK 21.06.07 | 01:21:00

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MikserOK 21.06.07 | 01:21:17

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Powerpack 21.06.07 | 03:12:48

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