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PureBasic 6.03 LTS Multilingual
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 468
PureBasic — коммерческий компилятор языка программирования, использующего синтаксис BASIC. Предназначен для создания кроссплатформенных приложений для AmigaOS, GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows, Windows NT и Mac OS X. Разработан компанией Fantaisie Software. Программы, написанные на PureBasic’е компилируются непосредственно в код процессоров IA-32, m68k и PowerPC, при этом получаются небольшие автономные исполняемые файлы и динамические библиотеки. Если не использовать специфические API операционных систем, один файл исходного кода может быть скомпилирован для всех поддерживаемых OS с небольшими модификациями или без них. Есть возможность использования библиотек WIN32API и MFC (Windows); SDL (GNU/Linux). Также PureBasic позволяет использовать ассемблерные "включения", так как компилятор - FASM. PureBasic имеет также Visual Designer, который может
помочь в создании окон. Имеет более 800 встроенных(многие - кроссплатформенные) команд, вдобавок к этому есть прямой доступ к командам APIAmigaOS, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux или Mac OS X.


PureBasic is a native 32 bit and 64 bit programming language based on established BASIC rules. The key features of PureBasic are portability (Windows, Linux, MacOS X and AmigaOS are currently supported), the production of very fast and highly optimized executables and, of course, the very simple BASIC syntax. PureBasic has been created for the beginner and expert alike. We have put a lot of effort into its realization to produce a fast, reliable and system friendly language. In spite of its beginner-friendly syntax, the possibilities are endless with PureBasic's advanced features such as pointers, structures, procedures, dynamically linked lists and much more. Experienced coders will have no problem gaining access to any of the legal OS structures or API objects and PureBasic even allows inline ASM.

Основные библиотеки
2D Drawing, CDAudio, Cipher, Clipboard, Console, Database, Date, Desktop, File, FileSystem, Font, Gadget, Help,Image,magePlugin, Library, Linked List, Math, Memory, Menu, Misc, Movie, Network, OnError, Packer, Preference, Process, Printer, Requester, Sort, StatusBar, String, SysTray, Thread, Toolbar, Window

Мультимедийные библиотеки(2D графика и звук) (для создания игр, и не только)
Joystick, Keyboard, Module, Mouse, Palette, Sprite & Screen, Sprite3D, Sound, SoundPlugin
В зависимости от платформы используются разные API: в Windows и Windows NT — DirectX 7.0, для Mac OS и GNU/Linux — OpenGL/SDL.

3D библиотеки (для создания игр, и не только)
Engine3D, Billboard, Camera, Entity, Light, Material, Mesh, Particle, Terrain, Texture
PureBasic используется трёхмерный движок OGRE, все встроенные библиотеки предоставляют возможность напрямуюобращаться к его функциям. Тем не менее, для работы скомпилированной программы требуется файл «Engine3D.dll», найти который можно в папке «Compilers».(Например, «C:/Program Files/PureBasic/Compilers»)


PureBasic is an "high level" programming language based on established BASIC rules. It is similar to any other BASIC compiler you may have used, whether for the Amiga, PC, MacOS X or Linux. Learning PureBasic is very easy! PureBasic has been created for the beginner and expert alike. Compilation time is really fast. This software has been developed for the Windows operating system. We have put a lot of effort into its realization to produce a fast, reliable and system friendly language.

The syntax is simple but the possibilities are endless with PureBasic's advanced features, such as pointers, structures, procedures, dynamically linked lists and much more. The experienced coder will have no problem in gaining access to any of the legal OS structures or API objects.

PureBasic is a portable programming language which currently run on AmigaOS (680x0 and PowerPC) Windows (x86 and x64), Linux (x86 and x64) and MacOS X (x86 and PowerPC). This means that the same code can be compiled natively for all systems and still use the full power of each. There are no bottlenecks like a virtual machine or a code translator: the generated code produces highly optimized executables regardless of the OS on which it is compiled. The external libraries are very optimized, up to the assembler level when needed, which produces very fast and small commands.

Technical Features
- 486, Pentium, Core2, Core i7, Athlon, Phenom support
- Built-in arrays, linked lists, maps, complex structures, pointers and variable definitions
- Supported types: Byte (8 bit), Word (16 bit), Long (32 bit), Float (32 bit), Quad (64 bit), Double (64 bit) and also user defined types (structures)
- Built-in string types (characters) and transparent unicode support
- Constants, binary and hexadecimal numbers supported
- Expression reducer and optimizer (grouping constants and explicit numbers together)
- Standard arithmetic support in respect of sign priority and parenthesis: +, -, /, *, and, or, lsl, asl, lsr, asr
- Very fast compilation
- Procedure support for structured programming with local, global, protected variables
- Built-in thread programming facilities with threaded variables and threadsafe mode
- All Standard BASIC keywords: If-Else-EndIf, Repeat-Until, etc.
- External library support to manipulate objects like pictures, windows, controls, DirectX, etc.
- External libraries are very optimized up to the assembler level for maximum speed and compactness
- The Win32 API functions is supported as if they were BASIC keywords
- Inline assembler
- Precompiled structures with constants files for extra fast compilation
- Configurable CLI compiler
- System friendly, easy to install and use

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: www.purebasic.com
Размер | Size: 101.8 MB


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Раздел: Программы | 08.11.23 | 11:58

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