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JixiPix Pastello 6.0.98
Новость от: leteha
Просмотров: 342
Pastello — перенесёт вас в XV век далеко от кистей и широких мазков в мир сухих художественных материалов с блестящим и утончённым цветом. Техника сухой краски сделала известным Леонардо да Винчи, настолько мощной в своей простоте и подчеркивающей красоту чёрными с красными мелками и желтой пастелью. В те времена художники писали очаровательные портреты с плавными переходами в различных стилях. Перенесёмся вперёд на несколько веков спустя, и пастель быстро стала наполняться яркими цветами и чёткими деталями. Перенесёмся в наше время — в цифровую эпоху — предоставляющую художникам возможность смешивать и сочетать различные художественные материалы, которые порой сложны или невозможны в традиционной обстановке.

Introducing Pastello, a brand-new companion app to JixiPix’s Impresso Pro. Pastello takes you back in time to the 15th century. Away from brushes and large strokes and into the realm of dry media with color that is both brilliant and subtle. The “Dry color method” made famous by Leonardo da Vinci is so powerful in its simplicity and beauty with its black and red chalk and yellow pastel highlights. Later, artists would paint charming portraits in a smooth heavily blended fashion. Move forward a few centuries later and pastel quickly became filled with brilliant color and crisp detail. Fast forward to today and a digital age has made it so you, the artist, can mix and match media that is difficult or impossible in a traditional setting.

Особенности программы:
• В Pastello много различных настроек: можно добавить слой с мягкой пастелью, твердой, сделать уголь, цветные карандаши, наложить их друг на друга.
• Настройки бумаги — текстуры, фактуры, глубины фактуры, цвета.
• Фото можно наложить на бумагу и сделать не ровные края и посмотреть как цвет бумаги взаимодействует с самим рисунком, подобрать нужный цвет.
• Возможность добавления цвета в светлый или теневой слой, можно сделать тени с холодным оттенком, а светлые участки теплыми.
• Есть много готовых пресетов.

Pastello makes it simple and convenient to take an image and change it into Pastel, Chalk, Charcoal, Crayon, Colored Pencil and Graphite drawings. Use alone or combine these medias using powerful layers to produce interesting expressive sketch effects filled with colorful personality and passion. And the best part is Pastello does all the work.

With Pastello, photographers and artists can now go beyond the camera to turn image files into creative works that resemble traditional handmade media using a professional workflow that is easy and comfortable to operate.

Pastello has a pro workflow that automatically transforms a photo into a pastel drawing and places it on an art paper with options to customize. The Pastel can then be changed to Chalk, Charcoal, Colored Pencil, Graphite, Conte or Crayon using Layer styles. The medias start out delicate like traditional drawings do, then allows you to build them up using fills, shading and detail layers. The medias are beautiful as they are, or mix them for an expressive artwork.

Pastello includes plenty of traditional sketch styles as well as a DaVinci effect using a mixed media of pencil, charcoal, crayon and old paper. It’s easy to use! We have mixed the media into one-click presets with all the freedom to customize, blend and fine-tune for your own unique artwork filled with age, depth and timeless beauty as if created by the renaissance artist himself.

Pastel Styles:
Colored Pencil, Graphite, Charcoal, and Chalk come with a fill and detail option that can be layered for infinite variation. Conte has a dynamic sketch feature that lets you fill in shadows, mid-tones and highlights with crosshatching or scumbling. All with the ability to change stroke direction, size, volume and variation.

• Pastel—(Soft) is a soft, buttery consistency and intense color. This effect is dense and filled with the grain of the paper. Artists find this media especially good for plein air landscapes because the color ranges are vibrant and the media itself is dustless and portable.
• Chalk—(Hard Pastel) is a light dusty effect with little specks of preserved paper. This chalky pastel is known for it’s soft strokes and velvety texture. This style is great for creating a fine web of color by stacking or duplicating layers, letting the ones below show through to create a drawing sparkling with interest.
• Charcoal—creates a velvety black charcoal effect with shades of grey. Use it for warming up the under painting of a composition, or to complete a finished charcoal piece.
• Colored Pencil—creates soft colorful strokes in the drawing that can be layered to build up color then burnished with a light Pencil Layer, or the Smudge tool.
• Pencil—creates pencil drawings with fluid outlines and soft, limpid tonal shadings for a drawing filled with warmth and charm.
• Conté—is a beautiful crayon media for enhancing highlights, midtones and shadows in drawings using five classic colors: Bistre, Sanguine, White, Grey, Gold and a color picker to choose your own—with options for crosshatching and scumbling.
• Crayon—creates a colorful waxy base to a drawing, then burnish it with a Conte White for highlights or Bistre for shading.
• Fill Brush— Choose to brush in areas of the drawing with chalk, charcoal, colored pencil or pencil on the layer or fill the entire layer as a base for Pencil, Chalk and Charcoal.
• NEW Signature Layer—Add a personalized touch to any drawing in the form of two styles: One that uses a type face from fonts installed on your computer, and the other you paint by hand. Both signatures can be fine-tuned using the stroke size and stroke volume sliders.

• Pastel, Chalk, Charcoal, Conte, Colored Pencil, Pencil and Crayon style effects true to real media. Each one has control over stroke size, stroke volume, color and other refinements.
• Da Vinci style effect mixes 5 fully customizable medias onto aged paper for an old world appearance.
• Stroke technology inspired by real-world Pastellists
• Smart Layers for blending pastel styles with options to reorder, duplicate and delete. This powerful feature is great for mixing media.
• Fill Layer for hand brushing color and texture
• Paper Layer that reacts to dry media like real paper would. The more you layer the media the more it fills into the paper’s texture.
• Smart Brushes for touching up brush strokes
• Smudge Brush for smearing media for a softer appearance
• Brush Masking to invert, clear or fill in brushed areas
• Presets for a quick start
• Customizable Presets to develop your own unique and personal style, or to save your projects with all strokes and layers intact for future editing.
• User Preset category to store your personalized style in
• Favorite preset feature sends presets to the front when marked
• 5 Paper Textures
• 41 Artistic and Aged Papers
• 70 Artistic Finishes for adding light and color to drawings
• Smart links to globally unify color and finishes across all layers
• 24 Artistic Edges for creating sketchy vignettes around artwork. Each one has options for edge stroke size and blend.
• Plugin for Photoshop CS3+, Lightroom and Elements for Mac & Windows
• New Live Presets render your image using each preset and displays them in the browser below. When using Mac or Windows a hovering feature makes it fast to view, and choose, rendered designs.

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: www.jixipix.com
Размер | Size: 279.37 MB

JixiPix Pastello 6.0.98 + Crack UZ1

Зеркало/Mirror - Up-load.to

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - Rapidgator.com

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 14.11.23 | 11:22

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