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Ashampoo Office 9 Rev A1203.0831 DC 15.11.2023 Multilingual
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 575

Все мы и раньше видели альтернативы Microsoft Office, но ни одна из них не была столь доступной и полностью совместимой ни с предыдущими, ни с текущими форматами документов Microsoft. Офисный пакет без компромиссов, без длительного обучения - Ashampoo Office 9 позволяет Вам создавать документы, электронные таблицы и презентации быстрее, чем когда-либо. Этот пакет предлагает Вам все необходимые возможности и комфорт, которые Вы ожидаете от современного офисного пакета. А Ashampoo Office 9 не пытается сохранить Ваши файлы в каком-то облачном хранилище, а там, где им и положено быть – на Вашем ПК! Это офисный пакет, который Вы всегда хотели!


We've all seen Microsoft Office alternatives in the past but never one that is so affordable and greatly compatible with Microsoft document formats past and present. An office suite without compromise, without a lengthy training period, Ashampoo Office 9 lets you create documents, spreadsheets and presentations faster than ever before. It has all the options and comfort you'd expect from a modern Office suite. And Ashampoo Office 9 doesn't save your files in some online cloud service but where they belong: on your PC! It's the Office suite you've always wanted!

Space-efficient PDFs with auto-scaling
Auto-corrections of common typos for various languages
Additional list view in "New document" dialog box
Different formatting options for pasted clipboard content
Insert WEBP images
Improved spellcheck handling
Easily edit grouped objects
Display full document path in title bar
Direct input of hex values for Unicode characters
Auto-suggestions for hyperlink insertion
Improved dark mode with dark sidebars
Dark mode auto-toggle based on Windows settings
Share documents with Windows apps
Undo individual steps during text replacement
File attributes like "Compressed", "Icon position on desktop" and "Owner" preserved during saving
Elegant Windows 11 style

Excellent word processing: Ashampoo Write
Our Microsoft Word alternative offers a wealth of new options: Compare two documents side by side with synchronous scrolling, select multiple non-contiguous text ranges with the Ctrl key, and benefit from enhanced document change tracking! Create documents with embedded fonts that ensure your readers get the full experience even they don't have them installed! The new Book layout displays the first page of a document on the right in two-page view, table cells are now easily rotatable, and list numbering now supports right-alignment. Dummy texts can be created instantly and paragraph and character styles are now easily filterable. The best-in-class Word alternative has just gotten even better so what are you waiting for?

Powerful spreadsheet processing: Ashampoo Calculate
Import and export SQLite databases
Sort by color (cell color and font color)
Filter by color with AutoFilter
Support for custom date order in CSVs (DMY, MDY, YMD)
Dynamic cell-based chart titles, axis titles and data labels
Custom decimal and thousands separators for CSV files
Link texts in AutoShapes to table cells
Convenient Formula ribbon tab with recalculation options
Sort pivot tables with user-defined lists
Calculate is the perfect replacement for Excel! Naturally, our spreadsheet application is greatly compatible with all Excel documents. That means no learning curve, no conversion, even for the latest file formats. Version 9 can import and export SQLite databases and offers more flexible handling of CSV files. Smart auto-filters help you sift through data by color and chart titles and labels can now be auto-generated based on cell data, just like texts in AutoShapes. Recalculations are a piece of cake with the Formula ribbon tab, and neither is sorting through custom lists in pivot tables! Make the switch to Calculate and work with all popular formats today. You won't regret it!

System Requirements:
Operating System: Windows® 11, Windows® 10

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: https://www.ashampoo.com/
Размер | Size: 232.8 MB

Ashampoo Office 9 Rev A1203.0831 DC 15.11.2023 Multilingual + crack

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

Уважаемые пользователи nowa.cc и 2baksa.ws. У нас сложилось тяжёлое финансовое положение. Мы работаем для вас вот уже более 15 лет и сейчас вынуждены просить о помощи. Окажите посильную поддержку проектам. Мы очень надеемся на вас. Реквизиты для переводов ниже.
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Раздел: Программы | 15.11.23 | 18:31

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