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Desktop Fay 3.14.2 Multilingual
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 312
Стремясь повысить производительность и сделать работу более увлекательной, Desktop Fay предоставляет каждому пользователю компьютера личного секретаря. Отображаемый на рабочем столе в виде анимированного женского персонажа, он может служить напоминанием о событии, отправителем и уведомителем электронной почты, а также калькулятором.

Aiming to increase productivity and make work more fun, Desktop Fay provides a personal secretary for every computer user. Displayed as an animated female character on the desktop, it can act as an event reminder, an e-mail sender and notifier and a calculator.

Integrated email client
At first launch, you must go through the initial configuration, where your assistant asks you to enter your name (used for personalizing outgoing e-mails), specify your email address and configure the mail server connection.

Once you do so, the cartoon secretary will monitor your mailbox and notify you about unread messages. Furthermore, you can build an address book to store all your contacts, manage mailing lists (for friends, customers and so on), read messages and create a new email to send to multiple recipients. E-mails can be attached locally stored files and they can be saved as drafts or templates before sending.

Event reminder and built-in calculator
Desktop Fay includes an alarm clock that enables you to store details regarding upcoming events. The secretary will display on-screen notifications to remind you about them, so that you won't miss events or forget about birthdays and tasks ever again.

Aside from mail sending and event notifications, Desktop Fay also comes with an integrated calculator that can help you perform basic mathematical operations, such as additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions or calculating square roots or percentages.

Your own virtual secretary
Desktop Fay can be your own virtual personal assistant, ready to check the mailbox for new messages and help you, notify you about events in your busy schedule and perform calculations.

Furthermore, the animated character on the desktop makes your daily activity more entertaining and relaxing, since her funny looks and actions will surely make you smile.

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: https://www.desktopfay.com/
Размер | Size: 156.4 MB

Desktop Fay 3.14.2 Multilingual + WINSPOOL.DRV and key by JekG

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 16.11.23 | 11:10

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