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Mailbird 2.9.93 Multilingual
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 500
Mailbird — очень интересный почтовый клиент. Простой, удобный и с набором всех необходимых функций. Был создан после закрытия проекта Sparrow и от части копирует его простой интерфейс. Цель проекта: создание и дальнейшее развитие быстрого почтового клиента с доступным интерфейсом. В функциональном плане, это простой, но полнофункциональный почтовый клиент: поддержка работы с несколькими почтовыми аккаунтами (можно указать известный сервис или POP3/IMAP-сервер почтового провайдера), поиск по письмам и вложениям, система напоминания о письмах (Snooze, как в GMail), уведомления о поступлении новой почты и всякое такое прочее. У Mailbird есть особенность — специальная функция «Приложения», которая, по сути, является набором обычных сайтов интернет-сервисов, которые открываются в окне программы для удобного взаимодействия с почтовым клиентом. Так есть несколько приложений от разработчика, которые добавляют в программу дополнительный функционал (например, менеджер контактов или поиск по вложениям).
Mailbird is a desktop email client for your Windows PC. Mailbird is packed with apps, features, shortcuts, and software upgrades optimized to boost your productivity and save you hours in your inbox. It can be just a simple email app, or your versatile dashboard boosting your productivity and organizing your life. Quick compose and response to cut down on emailing time, inline action bar to organize everything in a flash, seamless offline access to manage your email from anywhere. Mailbird interface keeps your inbox looking zen, eliminates email clutter with beautiful organization capabilities, and makes managing your email a breeze. Supersonic Speeds There has never been a mail program this optimized for speed. The Mailbird team sweats out every millisecond, and mercilessly cuts out every unnecessary step. They’ve managed to create the fastest email app ever, both in terms of processing speed and workflow speed. Quick compose & response to cut down on emailing time, inline action bar to organize everything in a flash, seamless offline access to manage your email from anywhere. And that’s just scratching the surface. Clean & Uncluttered Interface Minimized, polished, and built for simplicity & beauty. The Mailbird interface keeps your inbox looking zen, eliminates email clutter with beautiful organization capabilities, and makes managing your email a breeze. Private The Mailbird team knows how important your privacy is. You don’t want to have your personal and sensitive emails read by someone else. Mailbird never scans the content of your emails, and we never store any of your data on our servers. What’s in your inbox is for your eyes only. Simple and Intuitive Mailbird is shockingly user friendly. There is virtually no learning curve, just click around and you’ll “get it”. Quickly add your favorite apps to customize Mailbird, or just use it as-is. Either way, your email productivity will get an immediate boost. And you can always dive in & learn all the tips & tricks. Always Hatching Improvements The Mailbird team is improving and updating Mailbird daily. And you’re a part of that! The feedback app lets you send suggestions & ideas to the team, and vote on the best ones so that the team implements them first. Help build Mailbird into the email app you want. Open Sourced Apps Open sourced apps to do everything from read your blogs to access your social networks to manage your cloud to plan your day. If you want any kind of app, you can probably find it in the app store. Or, if it’s not there yet, make it yourself (and get paid for how many people use it!). Wingman (in development) Wingman is your personal productivity coach. It tracks your emailing speed and reports it back to you, gives you personalized advice to increase your productivity based on how you manage email, reminds you to stay in touch with important people you haven’t talked to in a while, sorts your email to put the most important stuff on the top, and lets you “snooze” an email to remove it from your inbox and bring it back later. Официальный Сайт | Homepage: http://www.getmailbird.com/ Размер | Size: 249.6 MB Mailbird 2.9.93 Multilingual + crack-MADARA Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws
Раздел: Программы | 21.11.23 | 05:42
Design by DolpHin | Disclaimer Реклама | E-mail для связи: | Skype: diim_diim | ICQ: 400632 |