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Terragen Professional 4.7.15 (x64)
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 411
Terragen - это уникальная программа, которая генерирует ландшафты приближенные к реальности. Terragen дает контроль над флорой, озерами, океанами, ландшафтами, реками, погодой, солнцем, луной и звездами. Гибкость программы позволяет создавать действительно отличные друг от друга ландшафты. Качество получаемых ландшафтов на самом высоком профессиональном уровне: гигантское разрешение, реалистичный вид, эффекты и прочее. Картинки можно записывать как последовательность, чтобы использовать в дальнейшем для записи в видео. Моделирование окружения происходит процедурными методами - окружение создается наложением ряда моделей и эффектов, причем вы можете динамически реорганизовывать эту цепь эффектов и настраивать множество параметров каждого эффекта. У программы удобный и понятный интерфейс, который прост в освоении даже для новичков. В программе используются самые новые технологии для улучшения графики. Для разработчика компьютерных игр данная программа будет полезна в первую очередь как источник получения фонов с необычайно красивым видом.

Terragen is a powerful solution for rendering and animating realistic natural environments. Create entire worlds from your imagination, or import real world terrain datasets and use Terragen 4 to create the most realistic visualisations possible. You control the weather, landscape, rivers, lakes and oceans, suns, moons and stars. With Terragen 3-4 you have complete control over the shader networks used for terrains, textures, micropolygon displacements, clouds and object distributions. You can reorganise the planetary shading pipeline to suit your goals. Place grass and trees wherever you want, as well as other objects in native TGO or OBJ format that you have modeled in third party software.

Terragen has been used for visual effects in more than 30 feature films as well as numerous major TV productions, game development, VR environments, museum exhibits, documentaries, and more. Some of the largest and most respected visual effects companies in the industry rely on Terragen for their environment workflows, including Digital Domain, Industrial Light & Magic, Weta Digital, and MPC, to name a few. Terragen’s powerful displacement and atmospherics engines have garnered a reputation for accurate, photo realistic environments featuring detailed terrains, physically-based volumetric skies, and massive populations of instanced geometry. We have continued to improve these core strengths for Terragen 4, producing new creative options and render capabilities, improved performance, and enhanced workflows.

Hybrid micropolygon and ray tracing renderer optimized for large displacements and very large landscapes.
Flexible global illumination system for accurate lighting at any scale, from close-up, to distant, to planetary scale.
Render entire planets, sweeping vistas, tiny rock gardens, or anything in between.
Photorealistic atmosphere and sunlight.
Volumetric clouds or fast “2.5D” clouds.
Multiple scattering in volumetrics, full light interaction between volumetrics and surfaces.
High dynamic range output; generate photorealistic environment maps and IBL sources.
Production quality anti-aliasing and motion blur that renders quickly and efficiently.
Import 3D objects for rendering.
Render millions of plants and other objects using instancing. Billions of virtual polygons are handled with ease.
Node graph editor for ultimate control over shaders and textures.
Flexible planetary shading pipeline.
Add multiple heightfields, textures and displacement maps to your scene.
Procedural terrains that can span an entire planet.
Apply almost “infinite” fractal detail to terrain and other objects.
Overhanging terrain using procedural displacements, image-based displacements, or imported geometry.
3D painting of colours and masks that can control almost anything in the scene.
Animation of almost any parameter
Georeferencing options; automatic georeferencing for properly formatted GIS files, including GeoTIFF and more.
Export high resolution objects from displaced surfaces.

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: http://planetside.co.uk/whats-new-in-terragen-4/
Размер | Size: 20.2 MB

Terragen Professional 4.7.15 (x64) + keygen-XFORCE

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 21.11.23 | 02:14

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