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17:50 | 20:02 | tuvira 19:57 | tuvira 03:16 | ibaco 16:35 | marlon 16:16 | ExaFlop 15:29 | V2Now 08:09 | m4657 14:34 | rory13 20:38 | fei 16:06 | marlon 10:57 | 5tr4nn1k 02:02 | gruber 22:03 | Zolushok 19:37 | marlon 12:38 | Observer232 12:28 | Morgane 10:43 | sindikalist 05:24 | ibaco 18:25 | Mariste Заказ рeклaмы
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OCCT (x64) Multilingual
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 535
OCCT — многофункциональный тест, способный проверить процессор, память, видео и даже блок питания компьютера. Может заменить сразу несколько других тестов, таких как Linx, prime95, furmark и аналогичные. Пользоваться OCCT удобно, так как программа русифицирована и имеет понятный интерфейс, в котором сложно запутаться.
OCCT is the most popular CPU/GPU/Power Supply testing tool available. OCCT generates heavy load on your components, and aims at detecting hardware errors or overclocking issues faster than anything else. A monitoring engine is also embedded, to ease diagnostic and see how your computer reacts under heavy load using graphs. 4 ACCURATE TESTS OCCT has 4 different tests : CPU:OCCT, the historical test, very accurate, CPU:Linpack, the popular error detection tool, GPU:3D, a custom 3d test, and Power supply, that combines CPU:Linpack and GPU:3D to load your power supply. MONITORING OCCT will monitor your computer and present you real-time graphs showing you temperatures, voltages, fan speed, frequencies, component usage, and power comsumption during your tests. BUILT-IN PROTECTION FOR YOUR COMPUTER Should a component reach a critical temperature during a test (by default, 85°C), OCCT will stop itself immediatly. TEST REPORT At the end of a test, you will be able to save a full graphical report of what happened during the test, for diagnostic purposes Официальный Сайт | Homepage: www.ocbase.com Размер | Size: 192.1 MB Freeware OCCT (x64) Multilingual Страница загрузки/Download - HomePage Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws
Раздел: Программы | 03.12.23 | 19:36
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