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12:22 | 09:55 | Pepa112 21:08 | marlon 21:06 | Pepa112 20:56 | marlon 20:38 | fei 19:29 | Pepa112 18:53 | iLet 16:06 | marlon 10:57 | 5tr4nn1k 02:02 | gruber 22:03 | Zolushok 19:37 | marlon 12:38 | Observer232 12:28 | Morgane 10:43 | sindikalist 05:24 | ibaco 18:25 | Mariste 19:33 | Pepa112 11:53 | marlon Заказ рeклaмы
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JP Software TCC 31.01.19 (x64)
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 328
Take Command Console (TCC) (прежние названия — 4DOS for Windows NT и 4NT) — это интерпретатор командной строки, выпускаемый компанией JP Software как более функционально насыщенная замена стандартному интерпретатору командной строки в Microsoft Windows — CMD.EXE. ********************************************************************** TCC is our console mode Windows command shell (formerly known as 4NT). TCC is a replacement for the CMD command line (the default Windows command prompt). TCC is a superset of CMD, with 246 internal commands (CMD has fewer than 40), 695+ internal variables and functions, and hundreds of enhancements to existing CMD commands. TCC works with your existing command line applications and batch files, but offers major improvements in command line and batch file capabilities, and adds thousands of new features to your command prompt windows. TCC is a CMD replacement command processor that is compatible with your existing CMD commands and batch files, while adding thousands of new features. You're immediately more productive, and you can learn and add TCC's new features at your own pace. Create and debug your batch scripts in a fraction of the time with the integrated editor and batch file debugger. The integrated and familiar environment means you are immediately more productive with your interactive command prompt and batch file development tasks. The consistent syntax reduces your learning and development time. The comprehensive help (including context-sensitive popup help for command line syntax), speeds your development time and reduces syntax errors. Официальный Сайт | Homepage: https://jpsoft.com/ Размер | Size: 60.2 MB JP Software TCC 31.01.19 (x64) + crack-dll by RadiXX11 Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws
Раздел: Программы | 10.12.23 | 17:35
Design by DolpHin | Disclaimer Реклама | E-mail для связи: | Skype: diim_diim | ICQ: 400632 |