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LizardSystems Find MAC Address 24.05 Multilingual
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 331

Find MAC Address - эта утилита определяет MAC адресы интерфейсов на локальной машине, а также компьютеров в сети. Для того чтобы узнать MAC-адрес удаленных хостов, необходимо выбрать "цель", а также используемый для анализа метод (ARP, NetBIOS, NetAPI, WMI). Помимо MAC-адреса, прога указывает еще и на конкретного производителя, используя актуальную базу данных.

Find MAC Address is a tool for finding the MAC address of computers on the network. This tool is an easy way to find the MAC address of a local or remote computer on the network. Select the target and method and find the MAC address of a remote computer on the network.

With Find MAC Address, you can find the MAC address of not only their local or remote computer, but also of any other computer that fits within the specified range of IP addresses. Unlike similar softwares, Find MAC Address can find the MAC addresses of computers using five methods (ARP, NetBios, NetAPI, WMI, SNMP).

The software can not only find the MAC address of a computer, but also lookup the manufacturer of its network card. After selecting one of the four methods and specifying the target, users will obtain all possible information about the MAC addresses.

- Getting the MAC address of the local computer.
- Getting the MAC address of one remote computer either by its name or IP address.
- Getting the MAC addresses of all computers on the network.
- Getting the MAC addresses of all computers within the specified range of IP addresses.
- Getting the MAC addresses of all computers from the specified computer list.
- Five methods for finding MAC addresses (ARP, NetBIOS, NetAPI, WMI, SNMP).
- Detecting the manufacturer of the network card by its MAC address.
- Detecting the names of network cards (only if WMI or SNMP is used).
- Searching the scan results.
- Saving the scan results to and loading them from a file in the XML format.
- Exporting the network scan results to text files or a Web document.

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: lizardsystems.com
Интерфейс | Interface: Ml / Английский
Размер | Size: 6.2 MB

LizardSystems Find MAC Address 24.05 Multilingual + keygen-onlyone

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 20.05.24 | 12:07

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