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Den4b Resizer Pro 2.2 Multilingual
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 380

Пакетное изменение размера изображения. Он имеет простой в использовании интерфейс drag-n-drop с различными параметрами, такими как методы подгонки пропорций, форматы целевого изображения, настраиваемый шаблон выходного имени файла и многое другое.


Batch image resizer. It has an easy to use drag-n-drop interface with variety of options, such as aspect ratio fit methods, target image formats, customizable output filename pattern and more.

A simple installation process that does not require undivided attention
The application is quick to install and does not surprise you with unique options or choices. You can run this software on any Windows version as it does not require resources greater than those employed by the operating system.

When you first open the program, you will be greeted by a dull interface that is organized into several areas and menus. However, most of its functions are present in the main window.

Resize your images in batch mode
The primary purpose of this software is to process as many photos with the minimal effort required. You can load a bunch of images by dragging and dropping them. You can then start to add width and height values, select fitting methods, choose output formats and overall quality.

Furthermore, there are options regarding background color and filename pattern. You can optimize the output files to match your requirements.

A tool that provides significant functionality and several features
The application offers support for multiple fitting methods, meaning you can experiment with various choices to get the best possible results. Moreover, the output formats are plentiful, and the pre-set filename patterns allow quick modifications.

Язык | Lang: English / Multilingual / Русский
Официальный Сайт | Homepage: www.den4b.com
Размер | Size: 2 MB

Den4b Resizer Pro 2.2 Multilingual + keygen-RadiXX11

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 20.05.24 | 15:35

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