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Rollback Rx Pro 12.7 Build 2709799665 Multilingual
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 728

Rollback Rx Pro - программа предназначена для создания так называемых «снимков» системы, которые при необходимости могут использоваться для отката и восстановления случайно утерянных данных в случае поражения компьютера вирусом и изменений, которые внесли в систему недавно установленные программы и т. д. RollBack Rx восстанавливает не только файлы, но и настройки системы, в том числе параметры реестра, рабочего стола, безопасности, управления пользователями и т. д. При помощи программы можно возвращаться на часы, дни, недели и даже месяцы назад, отыскивая нужное состояние системы. «Снимки» могут создаваться по требованию пользователя или же автоматически, по заранее заданному расписанию.


RollBack Rx™ is an instant time machine for your PC… A Comprehensive Windows System Restore solution that empowers users and IT administrators to easily restore their PC's to any previous state within seconds!

Features for a better, worry-free, computing experience.
RollBack Rx offers a fresh approach to managing PC's. Any unforeseen incidents such as user errors, viruses or even botched software installations can be easily and absolutely reversed in seconds!

- Go back to any previous point in time within seconds.
- Go back minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months – to any previous snapshot.
- Does not affect computer performance, uses minimal system resources
- Supports virtually unlimited snapshots
- Creates a complete system snapshot without having to restart the system
- Reverse any system crash within seconds (even if Windows can't startup)
- Back out of any failed program and OS updates and, botched updates etc.
- Recover from any malware or virus attack within seconds
- Works with VMWare and Virtual Machines, both as a host or within the virtual machine as a client
- Supports Multi-boot, Multi OS workstations.
- Lock snapshots to prevent deletion
- Intuitive GUI based snapshot manager - manage snapshot resources
- Explore, browse and retrieve files and folders from any snapshot. Drag and drop them into your active system.
- Roll backward as well as forward to any available system snapshot
- Allows users to safely test any software. Fast, 100% complete uninstaller
- Retrieve files from a crashed PC, even if Windows cannot boot
- Access control - manage levels of multiple user and administrative privileges.
- Manually take snapshot on demand
- Automatically schedule snapshots to be taken on a fixed schedule or upon execution of specific files (ie. setup.exe)
- 256 bit AES snapshot encryption. ie. Prevent unauthorized data theft in case of stolen laptop
- Group Management and Enterprise Network Administration Control (FREE utility)
- Stealth Mode - Hide the RollBack Rx tray icon and splash screen (seen during boot up)
- Change the start up hot-key for sub-console access (default is HOME)
- Built in snapshot defragger - optimize system resources and recover free space

Официальный сайт | Home Page: www.horizondatasys.com
Размер | Size: 60.3 MB

Rollback Rx Pro 12.7 Build 2709799665 Multilingual + keygen-Kindly

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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YooMoney Спасибо за поддержку!

Раздел: Программы | 21.05.24 | 23:04

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
prabhjot51184 04.06.24 | 08:18:44

Dear Marlon,

there is an error on right side of desktop saying " Rollback Rx Professional license authentication failed. You maybe a victim of software counterfeiting!" Rel. notes Point 1

Please suggest wayout to remove banner from top corner? i have already blocked program .exe files to reach internet.

Changelogs/Release notes of Ver 12.7
RollBack Rx Pro ver 12.7
Build 2709799665 / Release Date May 21, 2024

– Display warning message on Windows desktop when license authentication fails
– Add command line switch ShdCmd.exe /ChkActivate to authenticate license
– Fix installation problems for systems with more than 16 partitions
– Other small bug fixes reported through tech support
prabhjot51184 04.06.24 | 08:18:50

Dear Marlon,

there is an error on right side of desktop saying " Rollback Rx Professional license authentication failed. You maybe a victim of software counterfeiting!" Rel. notes Point 1

Please suggest wayout to remove banner from top corner? i have already blocked program .exe files to reach internet.

Changelogs/Release notes of Ver 12.7
RollBack Rx Pro ver 12.7
Build 2709799665 / Release Date May 21, 2024

– Display warning message on Windows desktop when license authentication fails
– Add command line switch ShdCmd.exe /ChkActivate to authenticate license
– Fix installation problems for systems with more than 16 partitions
– Other small bug fixes reported through tech support
prabhjot51184 04.06.24 | 09:31:21

Files which are blocked to access internet are
1. shdtray.exe
2. shield.exe
3. Netreg.exe
4. shdcmd.exe
5. shdserv.exe
6. shdext.dll
7. shdServps.dll
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