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WindowManager 10.18
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 128
WindowManager - программа, которая запоминает и восстанавливает позиции и размеры окон программ и папок. Многие программы не запоминают своих позиций и размеров на экране рабочего стола между сессиями, а проводник Windows не всегда восстанавливает прежние позиции и размеры окон папок. Для решения подобных проблем была создана программа WindowManager, которая не позволит изменять позиции вновь открываемых окон папок и программ против вас. Кроме того, программа позволяет фиксировать позиции и размеры окон, даже если вы переместите их в процессе работы в другое место или поменяете размер окна. В настройках программы вы сможете создавать собственные правила для ваших наиболее «любимых» окон.

WindowManager helps you to improve your work flow by remembering and restoring the position and size of your programs and windows. Many programs don't remember their position and size between sessions and even Windows Explorer does not restore windows to their last position under Windows 7 or higher.

This is where WindowManager steps in and makes sure your windows are placed exactly where you want them every time you open them. WindowManager even allows you to lock the position and size of any window, so that it will always open at the same spot no matter where you move it. The window handling is fully customizable and you can set up special rules for your favorite or most frequently used windows.

You can also make WindowManager send keystrokes or mouse-clicks to a program when its window is opened, run additional programs and other advanced actions. With WindowManager, you can also minimize most windows to the system tray. Furthermore, WindowManager supports and enhances the virtual desktop functions of Windows 10 and 11 (switching desktops with Hot-Keys, individual desktop icons, etc.)

Remembers and restores the position and size of your programs and windows
Supports explorer windows, programs, dialogs, etc.
Configurable rules for moving or sizing only, activating, closing windows, etc.
Advanced actions for typing text into windows, pressing keys, clicking mouse buttons, etc.
Can be configured to work like "Save Workspace" for Excel users
Multi-monitor support
Multiple profiles
Powerful trigger system for profile switching
Hot-key support
Minimize windows to the system tray area
Virtual desktop support & enhancements (hot-keys, individual desktop icons, etc.) for Windows 10 and 11
Fully customizable
Silent installation and uninstallation for mass deployment
Especially designed for Windows 10 and 11

System Requirements:
Supported operating systems (32 and 64 bit):
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10
Windows 11
Windows Server

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: https://www.desksoft.com/
Размер | Size: 1.3 MB

WindowManager 10.18 + patch-FFF

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net

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Раздел: Программы | 22.05.24 | 11:51

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