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Cascadeur 2024.1.2 (x64)
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 137
Cascadeur — это отдельное программное обеспечение для 3D-анимации ключевых кадров гуманоидных или других персонажей. Никогда еще создание анимации с нуля или ее редактирование не было таким простым и увлекательным. Благодаря инструментам с искусственным интеллектом вы можете очень быстро создавать ключевые позы, мгновенно видеть физический результат и корректировать второстепенные движения. При этом сохраняя полный контроль в любой момент.

Cascadeur is a standalone software for 3D keyframe animation of humanoid or other characters. Never before making animation from scratch or editing one has been so easy and fun. Thanks to its AI-assisted tools, you can make key poses really fast, instantly see physical result and adjust secondary motion. All while retaining full control at any point.

Drag-and-drop joints of your character in our Quick Rigging Tool to generate the rig automatically. Rig standard skeletons from Daz3d, Character Creator, Mixamo, Unreal Engine, Metahuman or Player.me with one click. You can customise the auto-generated rig or even create your own for non-humanoid characters.

Our unique intelligent rig powered by neural networks helps you create poses easier and faster. Just move the main control points and the AI will position the rest of the body automatically. You are free to move any point to retain full control over the result.

AutoPhysics Tool allows you to achieve realistic and natural motion, while altering your animation as little as possible. The suggested animation is displayed on a green instance of your character. You can easily snap it to your character once you are happy with the result.

Easily add any secondary motion with our dedicated tool. Customise the effect at any interval for any body-part separately. Shake, bounce and overlap to make your animation come alive.

Cascadeur offers a vast variety of animation tools e.g. Trajectories, Ghosts, Copy Tool, Tween Machine, IK/FK Interpolation, Graph Editor, Video Reference Import, Cameras and many more! We are trying to make all our tools easy to use and constantly adding new ones to the software.

System Requirements:
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 10 / Windows 11
Processor: 64-bit Intel® or AMD® multi-core processor, AVX instruction set support, 3.5 Ghz or higher
Memory: 8 Gb
Video card: AMD HD7000+/NVIDIA GTX 650 or better

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: https://cascadeur.com/
Размер | Size: 269.3 MB

Cascadeur 2024.1.2 (x64) + patch

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 22.05.24 | 12:08

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