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Coolmuster ePub Converter 2.2.19 Multilingual
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 159
Coolmuster ePub Converter является мощным инструментом, который предлагает простой, эффективный и быстрый способ, чтобы помочь вам преобразовать EPUB файлы в другие форматы, и наоборот. EPUB Converter позволяет читать ваши Adobe или Kindle книги на других устройствах

Read and Enjoy ePub Books On the Go - With a good reflow feature for displaying on portable devices, ePub is a dominate format on our gadgets. So have you ever wondered to create your own ePub books and read them anytime anywhere as you like? If so, you can't miss Coolmuster ePub Converter here.

- Build ePub eBooks from 5+ popular formats (.doc, .pdf, .html, .txt, .mobi, etc.)
- Preserve the original text, images, graphics, etc. in ePub eBook.
- Fully compatible with almost all popular portable devices, including iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Nook Tablet, Surface, PSP, Sony Reader, etc.

Create ePub eBooks from Popular Documents
ePub, as a common eBook format, is widely supported by almost all popular eReaders. So have you ever wondered about converting other files to ePub format for reading on your eReaders while you're going out? Not a bad idea, right? Just get Coolmuster ePub Converter software, all conversion from files to ePub just like a piece of cake.

- Be able to create ePub books from more than 5 different file formats, including PDF (.pdf), MS Word (.doc/.docx), Txt (.txt), Html (.html/.htm), MOBI(.mobi), etc.
- Preserve the original document text, columns, tables, images, graphics, hyperlinks, and layout in the output ePub eBooks.

High Compatiblity to Improve Your Reading Experience
Get a fantastic eBook and want to read it on your eReader at once, but finally you found that the book format is not supported by your eReader, what a big pity, right? Actually, just like we said in the above feature, why don't you convert files to ePub format for high compatibility? Just uses this recommended ePub Creator to convert and then read books without format limitation.

- The output ePub books can be read on almost all popular portable devices, including Apple's iPad, iPhone and iPod touch, B&N's Nook Tablet, Microsoft Surface, all kinds of Android devices, Game player, etc.

Prominent Working Efficiency
High working efficiency has become a logo of all top-notch tools. Coolmuster ePub Converter is just a software which has prominent working efficiency. With the assistance of this handy tool, you can save much time to do other things.

- Batch adding up to 100 files to convert to ePub format at one time.
- Convert a 500-page document to ePub eBook in less than 1 minute.
- Righ-click any file, you can convert the specific file to ePub as you like.

100% Safe Solution
No matter you're online or offline, you can use this ePub Converter to convert files to ePub as you like. And it is a standalone program, so that it is unnecessary for you to worry about the safety of your computer.

- Provide you with a 100% reliable way to convert files to ePub quickly.
- The read-only operations will not cause any data loss during the whole converting process.
- User-friendly interface makes the ePub Converter extremely easy-to-use.

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: www.coolmuster.com
Размер | Size: 22.2 MB

Coolmuster ePub Converter 2.2.19 Multilingual + Crack

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 22.05.24 | 12:45

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