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Polarr Photo Editor Pro 5.11.8 (x64) Multilingual
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 256
Неважно, новичок вы в фотографии или профессионал, у Polarr есть все. Новички оценят, что Polarr предлагает расширенные инструменты автоматического улучшения и сложные фильтры для редактирования всех деталей вашей фотографии. Профессиональные фотографы с нетерпением ждут нашей поддержки слоев, инструментов кривой, локальных настроек и многого другого.

It doesn't matter if you're new to photography or a pro, Polarr has it all. Novices will appreciate that Polarr offers advanced auto-enhance tools and sophisticated filters to edit all the details of your photo. Pro photographers will look forward to our layer support, curve tools, local adjustments and so much more.

Main Features:
- Custom overlay and complex blending modes
- Dual lens effects and depth adjustments
- Complete set of masking and local adjustment tools
- Advanced suite of face-editing tools with smart detection
- Create, customize and share your own filters
- Batch exporting

- Custom overlay and complex blending modes
- Dual lens effects and depth adjustments
- Complete set of masking and local adjustment tools
- Advanced suite of face-editing tools with smart detection
- Create, customize and share your own filters
- Batch exporting

- Make and share your own custom Filters
- Get started with basic filters, grow with pro filters
- Sync filters between all of your devices

Layers and blending modes
- Superimpose photos with 10 and more blending modes
- Add photorealistic effects like clouds, weather effects, light leaks, flares and more
- Duotone your photos with our presets or create your own unique flavor

Local adjustments include
- Depth mask: Adjust photo based on depth using the dual camera
- Brush mask: Draw your mask with an advanced edge-aware brush
- Color mask: Selective adjustment with color
- Radial mask: Circular adjustment over your photo
- Gradient mask: Adjusting photo over a gradient
- Luminance mask: Selective adjustment based on brightness.
- Additional local tools: Lens blur, feathering, invert, and more
- Blend any local adjustment mask with an overlay
- Unlimited stacking of local adjustments.

Global adjustments include
- Intelligent auto enhance for exposure and white balance
- Color: Temperature, Tint, Vibrance, Saturation
- Light: Dehaze, Exposure, Brightness, Contrast, Highlights, Shadows, Whites, Blacks, Diffuse
- Detail: Clarity, Sharpen, Denoise (Color and Luminance)
- Vignette: Amount, Highlights, Roundness
- Lens: 8-point perspective distortion tool, horizontal, and vertical perspective
- Effect: Custom fringing, Pixelate, Noise amount and size
- HSL: Hue, Saturation, Luminance for eight color channels
- Curves: Master, blue, red, green channels
- Toning: Highlight and shadow tone, tone balancing
- Denoise: Focus, enhancement, and clarity
- LUT: Import and export 3D LUT
- Border tool: add a border that auto-suggests colors based on the content of your photo

Polarr is customizable
- Select from dark or white color themes or create and share your own
- Two workspaces available: Pro and Express
- Rearrange icons to make the app yours

System Requirements:
- Microsoft Windows 7 (64bit) or later
- Memory: 4 GB
- Intel i3 5th generation processors or above

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: www.polarr.co
Размер | Size: 297 MB

Polarr Photo Editor Pro 5.11.8 (x64) Multilingual cracked

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 22.05.24 | 13:51

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