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22:06 | moongose
14:41 | cosib54184
00:14 | Zolushok
13:37 | yura04kizel
06:58 | kvestoman
13:03 | leteha
11:27 | Trashman
07:53 | m4657
21:05 | SATAN999
09:31 | prabhjot51184
08:18 | prabhjot51184
08:18 | prabhjot51184
06:55 | Pepa112
18:49 | marnos
14:44 | marlon
23:31 | Wanker
00:29 | diim
19:10 | MerolaC
10:16 | Pepa112
09:41 | marlon
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Tower 7.1.483
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 154
Более 100 000 разработчиков и дизайнеров работают эффективнее с Tower — самым мощным клиентом Git для Windows.

Over 100,000 developers and designers are more productive with Tower - the most powerful Git client for Windows.

Pull Requests
Create, merge, close, comment and inspect Pull Requests right from within Tower! Integrated into our clear, responsive, and powerful desktop interface, Pull Requests become so much more useful.

Quick Actions
The brand new Quick Actions dialog gives you superpowers: Give it a branch name and it will offer a checkout. Give it a file name and it will present the file's history. Give it a commit hash and it will show it in the commit history. Fast as lightning, easy as pie.

Interactive Rebase
Interactive Rebase is an incredibly powerful tool - but also quite awkward to use. But now, in Tower, it has become as easy as drag and drop!

We've added so many new levels of detail in the new Tower. And at the same time, navigating Tower is now as simple as browsing the web: with the new "back" and "forth" buttons and the improved "Navigation Bar".

Commit Details
We've reworked countless areas in the new Tower. Let's take the brand new "Commit Details" view as an example: with the changeset on the left and lots of space for the diff on the right, you can inspect and review a commit in a more focused manner.

A little-known feature, but one with enormous power: Reflog can restore lost commits or branches, move back to a rolled back state, undo a cherry-pick or commit… and is now available in Tower!

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: https://www.git-tower.com/windows
Размер | Size: 79.4 MB

Tower 7.1.483 + keygen

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

Уважаемые пользователи nowa.cc и 2baksa.ws. У нас сложилось тяжёлое финансовое положение. Мы работаем для вас вот уже более 15 лет и сейчас вынуждены просить о помощи. Окажите посильную поддержку проектам. Мы очень надеемся на вас. Реквизиты для переводов ниже.
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Раздел: Программы | 23.05.24 | 11:00

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