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Arturia Pigments 5.0.2 (x64)
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 271
Pigments — это программный синтезатор VST, способный создавать любой звук: от лучших современных пресетов, готовых к микшированию, до глубокого индивидуального звукового дизайна. Исследуйте все оттенки синтеза и воплотите свою самую смелую звуковую фантазию в полноцветную реальность, независимо от вашего стиля.

Pigments is a softsynth VST with the power to create any sound, from the best mix-ready modern presets to deep custom sound design. Explore every shade of synthesis and make your wildest sonic fantasy a full-color reality, whatever your style.

The fastest way to the sound in your head
Quickly craft the ultra-fat, hard-hitting, soul-stirring sounds you need with a software synthesizer that’s powerful, versatile, and easy to use.

Simple to use
Pigments deconstructs synthesis and sound design, making it easier than ever to explore the infinite spectrum of sound. Color-coded, single-click modulation, packed with curated presets, immediately expressive macros - all instantly gratifying to use.

Complete sound design solution
A no-nonsense sound design experience that lets you create any sound from scratch in seconds, or deep dive when you need to. Pigments unites voices, filters, modulation, sequencing, and FX in a slick end-to-end solution for your production.

Built for modern sound creation
A software instrument for hip hop, trap, bass, EDM, lo-fi, cinematic music and beyond. Whatever your style, Pigments’ preset library, precise features, and inviting workflow are tailor-made for modern production.

Make it your own
Enjoy a softsynth workflow that can be customized to suit your setup, so you can focus on your sound; change Pigments’ appearance, opt for the simplified Play Mode, shake up your audio routing, curate custom preset playlists, and more.

What’s new in Pigments 5?

New Features - Audio Engine
-New multicore CPU optimization
-New generative sequencer featuring one-click sequence generation
-New Sequencer sequence browser & saveable presets
-New Sequencer playback modes
-Various Sequencer UX improvements
-New Utility Engine Audio Input mode
-New auxiliary effect bus routing
-New Wavetable Engine phase parameter

New Features - GUI / Workflow
-New Play view visualiser
-Various visualisers improvements
-Sequencer interface and workflow redesign
-Keyboard, Pitch and Mod wheels redesign
-Various UX improvements
-Pop-up windows redesign

New Content
-New Factory Library & Expansions banks
-New Factory wavetables
-New Factory samples
-New Sequencer patterns
-New Sequencer classic and generative scales

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: https://www.arturia.com/
Размер | Size: 1.12 GB


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Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 25.05.24 | 12:00

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