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Resolume Arena 7.20.1 rev 35767 (x64) Multilingual
Новость от: leteha
Просмотров: 204
Resolume Arena - один из самых популярных видеомикшеров для PC cо всеми функциями Avenue, а также возможностями медиа-сервера: мягкое сглаживание (soft edging), калибровка экрана (screen warping), прием DMX сигнала и SMPTE-таймкода. Это самое мощное программное решение от Resolume на сегодняшний день. Arena — мощный инструмент для живого визуального аудио-исполнения в режиме реального времени. Принцип работы программы очень прост: используя клавиатуру, вы запускаете и микшируете видео, а так же добавляете к нему различные эффекты, что позволяет в реальном времени импровизировать с видео-рядом. Главное окно интерфейса содержит палитру из 20 каналов, в которые вы можете загружать медиа файлы. Активизируя любой из каналов — вы начинаете воспроизводить видео, содержащееся в активном слое.

Resolume Arena has everything Avenue has, plus advanced options for projection mapping and blending projectors. Control it from a lighting desk and sync to the DJ via SMPTE timecode.

Live HD Video Mixing
Resolume puts you in charge. You can play your videos when you want, how you want. Forwards, backwards, scratch and adjust tempo to the beat. Mix and match your visuals quickly and easily and play Resolume like an instrument.

Intuitive Interface
Whatever your style is, Resolume offers you an easy interface to rock it. Use as little or as many videos and effects as you like. The only limit is your computer's raw power and your imagination.

From Your Local Club to Main Stage
You can play on any amount of screens. From a simple screen behind the DJ in your local club to main stage at Ultra. As long as your computer can recognise it as an output, Resolume will let you use it.

Projection Mapping with Arena
Project video on any type of surface. Complex geometrical structures or whole buildings. Resolume does all the hard work, so you can concentrate on the important part: being creative.

Blend Projectors with Arena
With edge blending you can seamlessly project one beautiful widescreen image with two or more projectors. It can even wrap around for a full 360 degree experience.

Project on Cars, Buildings or Pumpkins
With Arena you can take on any size mapping project. From projecting on DJ booths to cars, buildings and LED mappings on giant stages like Ultra.

Led There Be Light
Think outside the screen and colour the lights too! With Arena 5 you can send out colours to DMX fixtures and the lights will be in sync with your visuals.

Live Composite & Effects

Adjust the scale and position of your clips to suit your needs. Apply effects to drastically change the look of your video. Everything runs on the video card so you get the fastest performance and best image quality possible.

Audio Visual Playback
Resolume plays both audio and video files. Juggle pixels and composite beats, combine any video file with any audio file.

All Hands on Deck
Liberate yourself from the mouse. Use your favourite MIDI controller or get physical with your iPhone via OSC.

Официальный сайт | Home Page: resolume.com
Размер | Size: 1.1 GB

Resolume Arena 7.20.1 rev 35767 (x64) Multilingual + crack

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io part 1
Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io part 2

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com part 1
Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com part 2

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net part 1
Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net part 2

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 28.05.24 | 10:32

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