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Tracktion Software Outersect Modeler 1.2.1
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 192
Что происходит, когда музыкант с классическим образованием и программист Pro Tools получает опыт, меняющий жизнь на Burning Man? Страстный проект Роба Рэйла, Outersect Modeler, представляет собой синтезатор в чистом виде, предназначенный для воссоздания всех экспрессий и нюансов акустических и электроакустических инструментов. Он идеально подходит для Роба, играющего на его клавишном инструменте, или для тех, кто ищет инструмент, который чувствует себя по-настоящему живым. Путешествуйте вместе с нами через червоточину в странный мир... Аутерсекта.

What happens when a classically trained musician and Pro Tools coder has a life changing experience at Burning Man? Rob Rayle's passion project, the Outersect Modeler, is a pure modeling synth designed to recreate all the expression and nuance of acoustic and electro-acoustic instruments – perfect for Rob to jam with on his keytar or for anyone seeking an instrument that feels truly alive. Travel through the wormhole with us into the trippy world of…… Outersect.

Physical Modeling Reimagined
The Outersect Modeler transcends the confines of traditional synthesizers, putting an unparalleled level of realism and expressiveness at your fingertips. From the delicate nuances of a violin's bow to the screaming tones of electric guitar feedback, every sonic detail is meticulously crafted, allowing musicians and producers to sculpt a diverse range of lifelike sounds. Whether crafting ethereal atmospheres, futuristic textures, or emulating rare and exotic instruments, let the Modeler take you on a trippy ride down the synthesis rabbit hole.

Ultimate Expression
The Modeler sounds and behaves like a physical instrument. It jumps harmonics realistically like a flute, allows controlled harmonic feedback like an electric guitar, growls like a saxophone and sings like a violin. It offers the player so many different ways to play the same note that it would be impossible to sample them all. It feels organic and alive, creating beautiful sonic surprises and happy accidents. It provides a unique experience for the player. Play it yourself and find out!

User Interface
The Modeler’s user interface is remarkably simple given its power. The modeling parameters refer to easily understood properties and playing techniques of real-world instruments, not mathematical abstractions. The synthesis interface fits on a single page, and allows the user to modulate any knob from any source with 2 mouse clicks.

Fine Tuned Preset Content
The Outersect sound sets provided with the modeler have been refined for production and live performance over many years. The lead sounds can completely hold the listeners’ attention, taking center stage in a musical production the same way a vocal, an electric guitar lead, or a violin solo can. The string instrument patches use unique performance features that allow players with standard MIDI controllers to realistically simulate string idioms like hammer-ons and pull-offs. The flute sounds support overblowing and flutter tongue techniques. The sax sounds can growl.

The Modeler also includes a set of soundscapes that transcend the boundaries of traditional instrument emulation, delving into a realm of avant-garde sound design possibilities. Rejecting the mimicry of familiar instruments, these ethereal and otherworldly tones emerge as a sonic tapestry woven from the imagination of daring sound designer Yuli Yolo.

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: https://www.tracktion.com/products/outersect-modeler
Размер | Size: 13,4 MB


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Раздел: Программы | 04.06.24 | 10:56

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