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Boris FX Silhouette 2024.0.0 (x64)
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 237

Academy and Emmy Award-Winning VFX Tools. Boris FX Silhouette 2020 is here! Silhouette is a best-in-class, GPU-accelerated compositing application, delivering the industry’s most robust non-destructive paint and roto tools to feature film and visual effects teams. Since 2005, Silhouette has made its mark on Hollywood’s biggest films including Avatar, Black Panther, Avengers: End Game, and many more.


Silhouette - лучшее в своем классе приложение для композитинга с ускорением на графическом процессоре, предоставляющее самые надежные в отрасли инструменты неразрушающего рисования и ротации для съемочных групп и групп по визуальным эффектам. С 2005 года Силуэт сделал свой след в крупнейших фильмах Голливуда, включая «Аватар», «Черная пантера», «Мстители: конец игры» и многие другие.

What's New:

Silhouette 2021
New plugin and major new features. Silhouette 2021 goes beyond traditional roto and cleanup as a professional node-based compositing system with 154 nodes designed for every finishing task.

- New! Lens Correction node
- New! Improved roto shape editing and keyframing tools
- New! Review & approval notes
- New! Improved user interface, movie file support with Gstreamer, and much more

Lens Correction
Powered by Silhouette’s roto tools, the new Lens Correction node can quickly calibrate and correct lens distortion for advanced effects tasks. Paint on an undistorted view or generate and export a ST Map for other host applications. The Lens Correction node is built on shared technology from Mocha Pro’s Lens Module.

New Roto & Editing Tools:

Brush Reshape
Uses a circular brush to automatically select and then move points when you click and drag them using the Magnetic Reshape behavior.

Point Collapse and Distribute
Collapses a selection of points into a very small area which can later be distributed between surrounding points. This is useful for shapes whose complexity changes over time.

Point Groups
Groups of points can be pre-defined and then quickly edited as a group in the Reshape and Transform tools.

Split Shapes
Similar to the Split Edit function in non-linear editing systems where a clip is split in two, Split Shapes is useful for shapes that transform from simple to complex and vice-versa.

Weighted MultiFrame
Using the new Fade In/Fade Out parameters, keyframe adjustments can be dynamically weighted over user-definable time periods to control the intensity of an adjustment over multiple keyframes.

New Review and Approval and User Interface Improvements
Notes assigned to objects (shapes, layers, trackers) can now be displayed in the viewer. This is a useful review and approval tool for artists to easily see notes from their supervisors.

New Nodes: Alpha Composite, Dot, Notes, OCIO Colorspace/Display/LUT
Many User Interface Improvements: Custom File Importer, Flyout Menus, Node Coloring, Node Alignment, OCIO Roles, Sapphire Node Tab, and more!

System Requirements:
- Windows 7 or higher on x64
- Processor: Intel or AMD processor
- Memory: 2GB of RAM (4GB or more recommended)
- Disk: High-speed disk array or SSD storage. 1GB of available disk space for caching and temporary files

Graphics Card:
- NVIDIA GTX 460 or better
- AMD Radeon 57xx series or better
- OpenGL 2.1 capable graphics card
- OpenCL 1.1 capable graphic card
- 1GB of graphics memory for film resolution

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: https://borisfx.com
Размер | Size: 1.45 GB

Boris FX Silhouette 2024.0.0 (x64) + crack

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 04.06.24 | 13:32

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