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Typing Instructor for Kids Gold 2.1
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 186

Мотивирующее приключение, которое научит детей печатать! Учитесь на английском или испанском языке. Он представляет «Инструктор по набору текста» в полноэкранном режиме и насыщенных цветах, что обеспечивает оптимальные впечатления от обучения «Инструктор по набору текста» для детей. Никакое другое руководство по набору текста не является более интересным и познавательным.


A Motivating Adventure to Teach Kids to Type! Learn in English or Spanish. It presents Typing Instructor in full-screen size and rich color for the optimum Typing Instructor experience for kids. No other Typing tutorial is more entertaining and educational.

Typing Instructor for Kids Gold is the most advanced Typing Program available.
Get your kids to the head of the class as they learn to become Touch Typists on a motivating adventure on Typer Island. Kids start their journey in the Old West at Wild Bill’s Soda Shoppe. They’ll learn to conquer the a, s, l, and ; keys, take on typing lessons, challenges, and games.

The Typer Island Adventure is packed with so much fun and motivation, kids forget they are learning to type. “Boring” is not a word you’ll hear as kids continue their Adventure in new lands, On the Water, In the Air, Over the Edge, and Under the Sea. Typing Instructor for Kids is the perfect typing solution for parents, too, as kids will not need help as they are guided step-by-step by Toby, a young boy, and his feathered-sidekick, Layfette. They help kids progress through the Adventure using just the keys they have learned.

Packed with Motivation
Kids are motivated to learn new keys, pass typing tests and complete challenges to earn coins, points, and jewels for their Treasure Chest. After completing typing activities in each land, the ultimate reward is reaching the Castle. Once at the Castle, kids become the ruler of Typer Island and embark on more adventures and games. The Castle’s secret passageway takes them to the Lost City, a mysterious underwater city, filled with surprises and a challenging underwater scavenger hunt game.

Explorer Isle Cave
Kids can take a break from their typing adventure at any time to explore Typer Island. The Cave on Explorer Isle has an awesome game room where kids can choose to play any of Typer Island’s games – except the exciting bonus games available in the Castle and the Lost City. They must reach the Castle to play those games. Kids can choose to take more lessons or challenges on Explorer Isle. They can also visit Story Lagoon and practice their skills by typing a favorite story from literature, such as excerpts from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, a nursery rhyme, a classic book, or a fairy tale.

Adventurer Tools
Typer Island has a lot of Adventurer tools for kids to find their way around the Island. Aboard the Tour Ship kids can learn everything about Typer Island! A convenient Map Room helps kids see where they are on their Typer Island Adventure, where they are going next, and what keys they will learn. The Treasure Chest shows what new coins and points they have earned. Kids can display a variety of graphs in the Saved Results area to see their performance on all their typing activities; lessons, challenges, stories and even games. They can see their progress and the keys on the keyboard they need to practice.

Hours of Fun
Typer Island has unique games to keep kids interested in playing. This repetitive activity builds finger-to-key memory and before they know it, they are well on their way to becoming Touch Typists! Games can be played in a wide variety of ways; at varying levels of difficulty to keep kids interested in continuing to the next level. Games can be played with just the keys they have learned so far, or with all the keys on the keyboard.

Adventure Settings
There are a lot of choices on Typer Island. Kids can select English or Spanish and a Typing Plan that fits their skill level – there are 11 unique plans! They set their goal word per minute, which can be adjusted, if needed, at any time.

System Requirements
Pentium® P4 • Microsoft® Windows 11, Windows 10, and Windows 8 • 480 MB Hard Disk Space • CD-ROM Drive • 800 x 600, 16-Bit or Higher Display • 16-Bit Sound Card • Speakers or Headphones • Mouse

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: https://www.individualsoftware.com
Размер | Size: 543.3 MB

Typing Instructor for Kids Gold 2.1 cracked

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net

Зеркало/Mirror - KatFile.com

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 06.06.24 | 13:02

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