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Nevercenter Pixelmash 2024.2.0 (x64)
Новость от: leteha
Просмотров: 198
Pixelmash предлагает совершенно новый подход к пиксельной графике, позволяя рисовать или импортировать изображения с высоким разрешением, а затем неразрушающе пикселизировать и применять другие эффекты слоя, чтобы превратить его в удивительную пиксельную графику. Хотя технологии стремительно развиваются, и графика теперь ближе к реальности! Пиксель-арт, как никогда прежде, жив и здоров. Он может использоваться в качестве руководства для всех типов сред. В связи с этим вы точно можете положиться на Pixelmash.

Pixelmash brings a whole new approach to pixel art by letting you paint or import high-resolution images, then non-destructively pixelize and apply other layer effects to turn it into amazing pixel art. Although technology is Rapidly Evolving and graphics are closer to reality now! Just more than the ever, pixel art is to still alive and well. It can be used as a guideline for all types of environments. In this regard, you can definitely rely on Pixelmash.

Start a new drawing or transform a picture
As the name might have you thinking, the specialty of the application is to apply the pixelate effect. Since this is the core feature, expect to have a bit of control over the situation. You can either start from scratch to create pixel art from scratch, or attempt transform an existing picture which needs to be under formats like PAD, JPG, PNG, TIF, and TIFF.

The interface is quite appealing and intuitive overall. Most of the space is the canvas, which updates in real time even when applying changes. It’s possible to toggle the visibility of the original picture to get a glimpse of how far you went with tweaking. A side panel lets you handle colors and effects, while the upper toolbar holds most tools you use.

Drawing tools, layers, and effects
As you may know, an image resolution represents the number of pixels in width and height. These values are displayed for the loaded picture, with the possibility to reduce the number of pixels. The image size remains intact, but multiple pixels merge together and blend colors to create the pixelate effect.

Layer management makes it possible to thoroughly include or wipe out any details. There’s the possibility to fine-tune your work with the help of drawing tools, eraser, color picker, and transformation. The visibility of layers can be toggled and you can blend all of them at the press of a button.

As mentioned, the application also comes with several effects to add to your project. These include disabling partial alpha, color key, auto gradation, auto color, restrict color palette, colorize, outline, and mirror. Creations can be saved as PNG or TIFF picture files.

A few last words
To sum it up, Pixelmash might not look like an advanced picture editor, but it comes with just the right tools for easy creation of pixel art. You can turn nearly any image into pixels with options to adjust intensity and even add effects.

Release Notes
• Added tools to draw rectangles and circles
• Holding Shift while rotating in the transform tool snaps to 15 degree rotation increments
• In all brush tools, holding Shift while in line-drawing mode (accessed via right click) snaps to horizontal, vertical, and 45-degree lines
• New custom dither pattern option in dither effect
• New option to position dither patterns relative to layer position
• New outline-only option in outline effect
• Improved speed, particularly on retina displays
• Dragging in image files now prompts for import or open as new document
• Now use Alt+Shift (rather than just Shift) to temporarily enter erase mode in brush tools
• Hi-dpi support on Windows has been added
• Other bug fixes

System Requirements: Windows 10 or newer, 64-bit

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: https://nevercenter.com/pixelmash/
Размер | Size: 19.35 MB

Nevercenter Pixelmash 2024.2.0 (x64) + Crack UZ1

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - Rapidgator.com

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 07.06.24 | 08:13

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