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AntiPlagiarism.NET 4.132
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 237

AntiPlagiarism.NET - это программа для автоматического обнаружения цифрового плагиата, возникшего во всемирной паутине. Он предназначен для использования самой большой открытой базы данных в мире - поисковой системы. Проверенные документы не покидают ваш компьютер. Приложение использует Google, Bing и другие поисковые системы.


AntiPlagiarism.NET is the program for automated detection of digital plagiarism that originated from the world wide web. It's designed to use the biggest open database in the world - that of the search engines. Checked documents do not leave you computer. The application uses Google, Bing and other search engines.

10 reasons to say "yes" to AntiPlagiarism.NET:
- It’s a quick and easy way to check if the content is original or has been copied.
- It’s an essential tool for education which enables students to control the quality of their scientific papers.
- It’s the best way for professors to ensure the diploma projects they are checking were not stolen.
- The detector helps the webmasters to control the uniqueness of the content and avoid the filters of search engines which wouldn'’t allow a website reach the top positions.
- The Plagiarism Checker can check the originality of web-pages.
- Plagiarism Finder quickly works up huge bulks of information and saves your time.
- This software to check plagiarism is among free downloads.
- It looks for matches to the stored copies saved by search engines. So even if the original document used for coping was deleted the advanced tool will still find the plagiarism.
- The results are shown in a handy form. You see the percentage of the uniqueness and the non-unique snippets of text are highlighted.

Key Features:
- Determines the percentage of the uniqueness of the text.
- Shows non-unique phrases by marking it with different colours.
- Batch check.
- WebSite check.
- Advanced preferences.
- Multiple formats support: doc, docx, pdf, odt, html, txt, rtf.
- Predefined set of check preferences (Default, Express, Deep).
- Simple interface.
- Proxy lists support.

Learn Everything About Using Plagiarism Checker
Every year a growing number of universities has high requirements to the level of the original texts of projects and dissertations. Moreover it’s surprising that not only students, but also too many teachers still do not understand what the level of the originality of the work means. However academic honesty requires 100 % novelty in writing and it’s very difficult not to get lost in all those tones of available information these days. An author should be very attentive with inaccurate citation, paraphrasing and other similar operation in order not to get awful results.

Plagiarism Checker for Students
The best solution in such cases is using a plagiarism checker. It will easily help the users to omit similar parts in the work and also get rid of all available mistakes. In addition to it, plagiarism detector is a great chance to improve the writing, make it even more interesting with bright ideas and nice conclusions. Plagiarism software for students is 100 % guarantee for getting a great result. Otherwise you can risk failing the course or even losing a chance for a wonderful career. You’d better try the program and improve the work at once than rely on luck and miss your chance for a successful future.

How to Use Plagiarism Checker Online
The best feature of originality checker is that it works online 24/7. It means you don’t have to go out in order to find a wonderful helper to make a high quality writing. Here you can check the work unlimited amount of times before your teacher will check it. First of all mind it isn’t difficult. All you need is just to copy-paste the information and click the button “Check this Text”. Then the software begins to surf the various resources for comparing the information so you’ll have to wait a few seconds. Afterwards the program will report about the cases of possible plagiarism, highlighting them. Finally you have to check the writing once again and try to improve it, taking into consideration all remarks. Believe it really works so if you do everything in a proper way you shouldn’t worry about the results.

System Requirements
- Windows 10 32/64 bit
- Windows 8 32/64 bit
- Windows 7 32/64 bit
- Windows Vista 32/64 bit
- Windows XP

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: https://antiplagiarism.net/
Размер | Size: 3.2 MB

AntiPlagiarism.NET 4.132 + keygen-DVT

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net

Зеркало/Mirror - KatFile.com

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 11.06.24 | 20:25

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