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Materialise Magics v28.0 + MatConvert 10.9 + Plugins
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 254
Самое мощное программное обеспечение для 3D-данных и подготовки сборки. Упростите и оптимизируйте данные и подготовку сборки с помощью Magics — нашего комплексного, ведущего в отрасли программного обеспечения для 3D-печати — с инструментами САПР и сетками. Получите расширенный контроль над своими процессами, автоматизируйте повторяющиеся задачи и увеличьте показатели успешности печати — поддержка независимо от того, какую технологию 3D-печати вы используете.

The most powerful 3D data and build preparation software. Simplify and optimize data and build preparation with Magics — our comprehensive, industry-leading 3D printing software — with both CAD and mesh tools. Gain advanced control over your processes, automate repetitive tasks, and increase print success rates — supporting you no matter which 3D printing technology you use.

Why Magics?

Advanced control over workflows
Import files, edit, cut, and label parts, create lattices and supports, optimize nest density, slice models, simulate metal builds, and more in one software environment.

Optimize and automate repetitive tasks
Reduce lead times, human error, and excessive manual effort with workflow automation software for support generation, nesting, labeling, and simulation.

Robust integrations cover your entire workflow
Experience enhanced additive manufacturing traceability and connectivity by linking Magics with our CO-AM Software Platform, offering insights into revisions and more. Plus, manage basic machine parameters with Machine Manager.

Dependable support
From training courses to our Help Center to personalized advice, our team of experts is here to help you. Learn to embed Magics into your processes, optimize your use of Magics, and get the most out of its features.

Technology neutral
No matter the technology or materials you use, you deserve one solution to meet all your needs.

Key features — from import to print

Import data types and formats
Import nearly all relevant file formats, retain native color information, and stay in control of your original data.

Fix, edit, and enhance
Leverage both CAD and mesh (STL) editing tools to ensure high-quality, printable parts with tools like automatic fixing, offsets, and lattice structures.

Optimize nesting
Nest parts with speed and control using tools that range from manual to fully automatic in the Nester module.

Automate support generation
Optimize the speed and process of support generation with Magics modules tailored to specific 3D printing technologies.

Analyze builds
Avoid costly build failures and reduce scrap rate using analysis features that detect potential issues.

Transfer designs to your machine
Slice builds with precision and communicate clear building instructions to your printer with our Build Processors.

Generate reports
Extract nearly any parameter from Magics to keep track of builds and ensure repeatability with fully customizable automatic reports.

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: https://www.materialise.com/en/industrial/software/magics-data-build-preparation
Размер | Size: 785 MB

Materialise Magics v28.0 + MatConvert 10.9 + Plugins (x64) + crack-zmco, tpc

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net

Зеркало/Mirror - KatFile.com

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 20.06.24 | 12:36

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