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Video Copilot Optical Flares 1.3.8 (170)
Новость от: marlon
Просмотров: 243

Optical Flares is a plug-in for designing and animating realistic lens flares in After Effects. 3D Lens Flares with AE Lights. Intuitive Design Interface. Live Visual Preset Library. Real Texture Support. Dynamic Triggering Animations. Chromatic Aberration. Up to 32 bpc color support.


Optical Flares — это плагин для создания и анимации реалистичных бликов в After Effects. 3D-блики с подсветкой AE. Интуитивно понятный интерфейс дизайна. Библиотека живых визуальных пресетов. Реальная поддержка текстур. Динамические триггерные анимации. Хроматическая аберрация. Поддержка цвета до 32 бит на канал.

Interface Features
• 12 unique Lens Objects
• 50 custom Lens Objects
• Large Pop-Out Preview window
• Rename, & Rearrange Objects
• Show BG in Preview Window
• Integrated Copy & Paste
• Duplicate Objects & Undo/Redo

Preset Browser
• 60 Built-in Presets (included)
• Real Lens Inspired Presets
• Share & Swap Presets
• Save All Settings in One Place
• Save & Reuse Individual Objects
• Expand and Build New Presets

Great For
• 3D Animation
• Motion Graphics
• Commercials
• Music Videos
• Graphic Transitions
• Compositing
• Special Effects
• Combine with Particle Effects

Optical Flares Uses
• Add final touches to Motion Graphics
• Simulate Concert or Stadium Lighting
• Fake Volumetric Lighting
• Help Blend 3D Animations
• Build a virtual Light Array for Music Videos
• Add Realism to your Virtual Sets
• Add Flares to Live Action Footage
• Simulate Visible Atmosphere with Lighting
• Simulate Bright Lights in your scene
• Draw focus to a product or graphic
• Accentuate Highlights or contours

Optical Flares will automatically calculate size and intensity based on your 3D Lights.

• Generate lens flares from AE 3D lights
• Works with lights exported from your 3D applications
• Create multiple flares with 1 instance of Optical Flares
• Choose to render Flares for specific lights only

Add realism with lens artifacts from actual photographic elements to create the most genuine lens flares ever seen!

• Over 25 built-in textures to choose from
• Use custom layers from your project in a flare
• Auto-rotate textures towards light for realistic movement
• Custom layers can be still or animated

Static lens objects come to life with dynamic triggering to create natural animations without keyframes!

• Recreate organic animation with several trigger types
• Create a flash of light as your flare exits the frame
• Iris elements change size as they drift away
• Trigger area can be previewed for precise animations

On-Lens Simulations
Simulate dust & scratches on your lens that becomes visible by the light source. Includes 12 HD lens textures or use your own.

3D Occlusion
Obscure layers by alpha or luminance to simulate the light source going behind objects in the foreground. Works with 2D & 3D layers!

Luminance Tracking
Generate a lens flare from bright spots in your video such as a particle system or matte layer. Control resolution and threshold.

Mask Positioning
Animate lens flares along the contour of complex shapes with ease. Great for detailed shapes that would require extra key framing.

Add smooth flowing shimmer to elements with self-propelling animation. Simply set the amount and speed of the animation. -No Keyframes!

Chromatic Aberration
Simulate realistic color bleeding around the outside of the lens. This effect also helps make the lens flares look more organic & natural.

Light Flickering
Make lights appear more energetic with random light flickering featuring a unique seed for each light source. Choose from smooth or Twitchy.

32 Bit & GPU Ready
Optical Flares renders up to 32 bpc offering high color fidelity as well as enhanced speed with Graphics card acceleration.

Flexible Core Objects
Build stunning lens flares with the use of 12 powerful core objects. These elements offer unmatched flexibility with detailed control settings.

Precise Translating
Control the position of each object with distance, offset and custom translation. These features are essentials to building anamorphic elements.

System Requirements
- PC Compatible (64-bit)
- After Effects CS5 and up

Video Card GPU Support (optional)
Optical Flares does not require a special graphics card to render but you can increase render performance with better cards.

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: https://www.videocopilot.net
Размер | Size: 42 MB

Video Copilot Optical Flares 1.3.8 (170) + crack

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - RapidGator.net

Зеркало/Mirror - KatFile.com

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 20.06.24 | 15:52

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