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Exportizer Enterprise (x64) Multilingual
Новость от: leteha
Просмотров: 215
Инструмент баз данных для просмотра, редактирования, фильтрации, копирования, экспорта таблиц различных форматов (DB, DBF, MDB, XLS, GDB, IB, HTML, UDL, DBC, TXT, CSV) в буффер или файл (text, CSV, XLS, RTF, XML, HTML, DBF, выражения INSERT) с полной поддержкой командной строки. Позволяет экпортировать все файлы из выбранной пакпи за раз. Множество настроек обеспечивают полный контроль над выводом. Включает несколько полезных функций манипулирования данными.

Exportizer is a free database export tool. It allows to export data to file, clipboard, or printer. Exportizer works via BDE or ADO. It can convert DB, DBF, text, CSV to text, CSV, XLS, RTF, XML, HTML, DBF, INSERT statements. Many export options ensure full control over output. There is an ability to specify the source-to-target field mappings. Export operations can be performed either via the program interface or via command line with large number of parameters. You can easily generate needed command line directly from the GUI. It is possible to copy data to clipboard or print them. There are several utility functions for data manipulating and bookmarking.

In addition to Exportizer features, Exportizer Pro gives you ability to:
Opening tables from multi-table database files like XLS, XLSX, XLSM, XLSB, MDB, ACCDB, HTML, GDB, IB, FDB, UDL, and other multi-table databases like ODBC data sources etc.
Exporting data from all files, which are located in one folder, or all tables from a multi-table data source, at once (from interface or via command line).
Ability to specify custom increment number for Increment Field Value function.
Exporting data to Excel (XML-based) and DATABASE formats.
Using extra command line line options like /Silent, /LogFile, /CloseOnError etc.
Using extra export modes like Append and Empty+Insert.

Opening file-based database tables (.db, .dbf, .txt, .csv, .xml)
Opening tables from multi-table database files like XLS, XLSX, XLSM, XLSB, MDB, ACCDB, HTML, GDB, IB, FDB, UDL, and other multi-table databases like ODBC data sources etc.
Table browsing
Editing data
Ability to specify custom increment number for Increment Field Value function
Exporting data to file formats like text, CSV, HTML, XLS, XML, RTF, DBF, and SQL script
Exporting data from all (or selected) files, which are located in one folder, or all (or selected) tables from a multi-table data source, at once (from interface or via command line)
Exporting data to Excel (XML-based) and DATABASE formats
Using extra export modes like Append and Empty+Insert
Opening and exporting databases through the command line
Using extra command line options like /Silent, /LogFile, /CloseOnError etc.
Copying data to clipboard
Printing data
Building custom SQL queries
Enhanced database grids, which allow to view and manipulate the data in the most convenient way, including sorting by clicking column header, changing row heights, resizing columns, using single record view mode etc.
Filtering data according to user's criteria
Exporting BLOB images

Официальный Сайт | Homepage: vlsoftware.net
Размер | Size: 11.79 MB

Exportizer Enterprise (x64) Multilingual + Loader UZ1

Зеркало/Mirror - Uploady.io

Зеркало/Mirror - NitroFlare.com

Зеркало/Mirror - Rapidgator.com

Пароль/Password: www.2baksa.ws

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Раздел: Программы | 21.06.24 | 10:44

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