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Hypnogenic Rain Screensaver 1.7
Новость от: brodyga
Просмотров: 2424
Расслабляющий анимированный скринсейвер. Используя специальные алгоритмы, Hypnogenic Rain Screensaver производит обработку изображений в реальном времени, благодаря чему вы сможете видеть капли и волны, натыкающиеся на экран. ******************************************************************************************* Hypnogenic Rain Screensaver is a relaxing animated screensaver. It does real-time image processing by using an popular amazing algorithm and a special effects to make your computer desktop look as if it is rippling. You will see water drops and waves running across the screen. Enjoy this lovely rain illusion scene with a Hypnogenic Rain Screensaver in the foreground. Do You know that the most computer programs paint images at screen in the same place for long. Some portions of the screen are always in the same place, sometimes for hours or even days or months. These sorts of images, continuously drawn in the same place for a long time, could damage the screen because the electron rays always hit the same points on the screen. Hypnogenic Rain Screensaver were designed to help avoid these effects by automatically changing the images on the screen when the computer was not in use.

Hypnogenic Rain Screensaver is a relaxing animated screensaver. It does real-time image processing by using an popular amazing algorithm and a special effects to make your computer desktop look as if it is rippling. You will see water drops and waves running across the screen. Enjoy this lovely rain illusion scene with a Hypnogenic Rain Screensaver in the foreground. Do You know that the most computer programs paint images at screen in the same place for long. Some portions of the screen are always in the same place, sometimes for hours or even days or months. These sorts of images, continuously drawn in the same place for a long time, could damage the screen because the electron rays always hit the same points on the screen. Hypnogenic Rain Screensaver were designed to help avoid these effects by automatically changing the images on the screen when the computer was not in use. 01 Aug 2005 818.0 KB
+ Crack

Rar pass: www.2baksa.net

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Раздел: Оформление | 16.08.05 | 01:48

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
Misxa 16.08.05 | 13:32:20

The crack is a piece of s***. Not working... It creates the cracked file which is invalid Win32 application.
brodyga 16.08.05 | 13:36:48

The crack working...Tested...
Nemo 16.08.05 | 15:33:50

REDEN 16.08.05 | 17:13:34

smile biggrin все работает!
DanceMania 16.08.05 | 20:18:04

Crack works properly. My Window$ is XP and patch is ok. That screensaver is quite simple, but looks greate if you have any fractal/psycodelic wallpaper. smile
usatik 16.08.05 | 21:50:11

Cпасибо всё работает biggrin smile
johndoe25 17.08.05 | 21:29:20

Works for me also. biggrin
Toy 19.08.05 | 10:33:27

At the next day of using this crack my Windows was dead!!!!! eek
X-Force 20.08.05 | 16:14:08

File /files/4018826/HRS1.7.rar.html has been deleted. Reason: THIS FILE IS FORBIDDEN TO BE SHARED! Complaints received. crack-file have been killed at rapidshare. Кряку убили.
try this 21.08.05 | 11:51:04

snake 24.08.05 | 11:37:35

confused It works fine and I put it on three they all Work Thank you and this is the best site.... smile
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