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Galleon 3D Screensaver v1.3
Новость от: diim
Просмотров: 1323
Очередной Screensaver от Planesoft Испанский Галеон оборудованный орудиями пересекает океан. В 16-ых и 17-ых столетий он являлся военным кораблем, которого уважали и боялись , эта плавающая крепость использовалась, чтобы переместить золото и серебро от Южной Америки до Европы. ******************************************************************************************* This beautiful galleon from the Age of Great Explorations is crossing the dangerous ocean at full sail again. Through blistering sun and quiet nights blessed by the moonshine, through fierce gun battles and storms, it rushes to new, yet to be discovered, lands. Raise your flag, captain, and enter the history. Spanish Galleon was the most feared warship during the 16th and 17th centuries. Equipped with cannons and mortars, staffed with seasoned seamen or daredevil buccaneers, this floating fortress was used to move gold and silver from South America to Europe. Or to take away this gold from the Spanish Crown, raid colonies and sink passing merchant ships. This was the ship all famous pirates dreamed about. This 3D screensaver features a real galleon model, created exactly to specifications of that time. All details, including masts, sails and their positions, and ship's interior are what they were on a real galleon four hundred years ago. Just like any other 3Planesoft creation, this screensaver is an eye-catcher. And since it is a shareware, you can download your trial version free of charge. To get the most out of this truly amazing 3D screensaver, make sure you have 3D accelerator device (video card). Download your version now. Welcome aboard.

Minimum requirements P-II 300 Mhz or equivalent processor 32 MB RAM 8 MB Direct3D 8.0 compatible hardware accelerated video card 3 MB free hard drive space Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP DirectX 8.0 or higher Recommended requirements P-III 600 Mhz or equivalent processor 64 MB RAM 16 MB Direct3D 8.0 compatible hardware accelerated video card 16-Bit DirectX 8.0 - compatible sound card 3 MB free hard drive space Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP DirectX 8.0 or higher Размер : 5,56 МБ

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Раздел: Оформление | 19.08.05 | 23:45

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
Tomas 20.08.05 | 00:59:01

waw thanks surprised surprised surprised i have curently 4 screensavers The Lost watch Mechanical clock Ancient Castle (via 2baksa.net) surprised Galleon Thanks buddy
Smith 20.08.05 | 01:08:42

Минометы были изобретены русскими в Порт-Артуре в 1905 году, на корабле могли быть кулеврины, мортиры, пушки и т. д. smile Галеон один из наименее красивых в этой серии, кстати а таблетка есть? confused
brodyga 20.08.05 | 01:10:33

полная версия idea
jimmyto 20.08.05 | 09:32:39

thank you 2baksa.net smile
OLDCOCK 20.08.05 | 10:02:36

GREAT!!!! twisted
binman 20.08.05 | 18:12:53

biggrin biggrin
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