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"Data Protection and Information Lifecycle Management" Tom Petrocelli
Новость от: Fizzer
Просмотров: 1273
Your enterprise data is your most critical asset. If it's compromised, your business can be destroyed. Don't let that happen-leverage today's state-of-the-art strategies, best practices, and technologies and protect your critical information. In Data Protection and Information Lifecycle Management, leading industry consultant Tom Petrocelli presents a systematic, coherent approach to planning and implementing cost-effective data protection. This book introduces Information Lifecycle Management (ILM), a powerful new strategy for managing enterprise information based on its value over time. The author explains emerging techniques for protecting storage systems and storage networks, and for integrating storage security into your overall security plan. He also presents new technical advances and opportunities to improve existing data-protection processes, including backup/restore, replication, and remote copy. Coverage includes -A complete, unique framework for considering and planning data protection -Understanding storage technology from the standpoint of data protection

-Architecting more effective backup/restore solutions -Using remote copy and replication to keep data synchronized and support immediate failover to hot sites -Leveraging core computer security concepts and strategies to protect your most critical data -Securing your entire storage infrastructure, not just servers -Using policy-driven data protection and Data Lifecycle Management (DLM) to improve security and reduce cost -Using ILM to identify your highest-value data and choose the right ways to protect it Data Protection and Information Lifecycle Management is an indispensable resource for IT executives who must plan and implement strategies for data protection; administrators who must protect data on a day-to-day basis; and product managers, consultants, and marketers responsible for crafting superior data-security solutions. Размер: 1,5 МВ Формат: СНМ Год издания: 2005
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Раздел: Книги | 28.10.05 | 11:59

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