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DreamStripper v1.2
Новость от: Liandri
Просмотров: 1187
Симулятор стриптиза на вашем рабочем столе! Выделяется отличной графикой. ******************************************************************************************* Your own personal stripper on your own computer! You decide her dance moves, what she wears, even the music! Have her writhe or spin just when you want as she dances or create an erotic and exotic dance just that is just what you desire.

There are no monthly fees associated with dreamstripper. Just purchase the game and she dances for you forever. Dream Stripper is the most exciting interactive dance and software game to hit the electronic entertainment industry. The erotic, life-like model was drawn by one of Hollywood best graphic artists and was 3-D rendered by a highly professional development team. The very same motion-capture technology in animated films was used to capture the sensuous movement of live exotic dancers. This is no ordinary adult animation game, screen saver or dance program. It is the most realistic and arousing software and fun game you've ever enjoyed. You can find out more about the technology used to create this amazing software on the the Product Information menu above.
"Dream Stripper is amazing, her face, boobs, buttocks, legs are so realistic, she is simply beautiful." "This is the most realistic I've ever seen." "I love the way you make her breasts jiggle, she looks so real." "Great product and look forward to how you go with this."
System Requirements: CPU: 1.0GHz Pentium 3 or Compatible Operating Systems: Windows XP with DirectX 9.0c Disk Space: 150 Megs of Hard Drive Space Memory: 256 Megs of Memory Sound Card: Windows Compatible Sounds Card Video Card: Direct X 8 Compatible with T&L 32 Megs of Memory Video Drivers: Direct X 8 Compatible with T&L
******************************************************************************************* Screenshots - click to enlarge / Скриншоты - нажмите для увеличения:

Game - Download / Скачать - 42.9 MB
Crack - Download Page / Страница загрузки - 3.1 MB
RAR password / Пароль на архив: www.2baksa.net
Чтобы скачать с RapidShare: Кликаем по ссылке, далее еще раз внизу страницы на кнопку Free, ждём 20-40 секунд до появления картинки с символами. Вводим эти символы в поле и кликаем Start Download.

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SolSuite 2006 v6.0 + Graphics Packs 1&2 + Русификация !! Time Breaker (by Spell of Play Studios) Luxor - Amun Rising GH Exclusive !! Magic Match v1.18 Release !! Microsoft Pinball Arcade Full RIP by PARADIGM (repacked by Liandri)

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Раздел: Игры | 02.11.05 | 23:49

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
Kunzite 03.11.05 | 11:26:08

Люди, плз если кто найдет способ ее запускать, чтобы она не так торррмозила, дайте знать sad eek А то у меня машинка неслабая, но тормозит страшно
Liandri 03.11.05 | 13:18:28

Попробуй врубить опцию Force Transform and Lighting в gameoptions.exe cool
sandro_sss 03.11.05 | 15:07:01

Crack - не могу качнуть, дайте ссылку плиз surprised
Liandri 03.11.05 | 16:41:32

Всё качается, смотрите инструкцию cool
Cometosee 05.11.05 | 05:24:47

А у меня все нормально работает, только во время основного действа не видно курсора question .
mucha 21.11.05 | 15:04:01

I can't find pass when i must looking for
Liandri 22.11.05 | 12:29:06

Under the link! Open your eyes! rolleyes
mutabor 05.12.05 | 14:22:40

У мен все нормально распаковалось и пошло хот машина не ахти какая!
stalkerqwe 16.06.06 | 02:59:22

ссылка на скачку не работает
Budda 06.09.06 | 15:14:17

я немогу скачать ПАМАГИТЕ !!!!!!!!! wink
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