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Gloom Beacon v1.0 (by Strong Games) Eng/Rus
Новость от: Liandri
Просмотров: 1468
Захватывающая стратегическая игра, эффектно сочетающая элементы стандартного маджонга, игр серии Puzzle Quest и карточных дуэльных игр типа Spectromancer.
Одна дуэль может здесь длиться от 1 минуты до нескольких часов - игрок должен грамотно оценить свои преимущества и последствия своего хода, учитывая количество своей и вражеской маны.
В игре оригинальный геймплей, множество артефактов, возможность набора существ в команду и отличное оформление.


Gloom Beacon is an epic game challenging you to use your strategic thinking at full scale. Even the most exacting players will be satisfied: it combines turn-based card strategy with role-playing elements; and mahjong style combats, though hasteless, are really thrilling.
Starting the game you should first choose the sex and the race of your character: human, elf, dwarf, Minos (looks like a bull), Lahama (some kind of a demon), Rooh (a huge bird), Skogi (looks like a rat) or Kanchhor, which is, apparently, a snake.
Then you read the sorrowful tale of Oasis, which was a prosperous trade center long ago, but now it is enshrouded in darkness. Ships of desert cannot find it any more, because the evil magician Krachont has built the Gloom Beacon, and now its dark beams hide Oasis day and night. He has enslaved the citizens, turned the former king into a ruthless monster and imprisoned the queen.
Lots of intrepid warriors tried to force the Dark Tower and to defeat the evil magician, but not a bit of it. But now it is your turn to fight Krachont and his numerous accomplices. Each battle consists of two parts: the chess-like board showing the enemy units and your allies. The squares affect your health and mana levels in different way: for example, a certain square can increase fire mana and decrease water mana by 20 points each, but there can be no effect on air and earth mana. It means that you can choose the better square to start the combat.
As you have already guessed, your character (and each allied unit) has a certain number of health points and four types of mana required to cast spells. The spells are represented in the form of mahjong plates, so that you cast them playing according to mahjong rules. Remember: the spells do not work if you lack mana! Assemble a strong troop, work out a strategy and let the Fortune smile upon you.

Game features:
• Sophisticated plot
• Original gameplay
• Mahjong style combats
• A great variety of enemies
• Strategic thinking

System requirements:
• Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
• DirectX 8.1
• 800 MHz
• 128 MB RAM

Resolution: Custom Fullscreen/Windowed

Screenshots: #1 #2 #3


Скачать / Download - RapidShare | FileFactory | DepositFiles - 27.4 MB
Пароль / Password: www.2baksa.net

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Раздел: Игры | 25.09.09 | 14:29

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
Haximob 25.09.09 | 14:39:56

pistolina 26.09.09 | 05:40:37

hi liandri please put into the forum farm franzy 3 because you friend put the game in russian im not understand russian sad

kisses you are the best biggrin
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