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Depths of Peril v1.015 (by Soldak Entertainment)
Новость от: Liandri
Просмотров: 2126
Depths of Peril позволит вам не только вдоволь поистязать мышку, но и проявить тактические навыки. Вам придется стать главой одной из фракций варварского города Жорвик (Jorvik) и защитить его от монстров, попутно выполняя различные поручения. Поскольку не только ваши люди живут в Жорвике, то немаловажную роль в игре сыграет борьба за власть над городом. Методы восхождения на трон не ограничиваются убийством противника. Вам также предстоит проявить навыки дипломата и торговца. Но основным источником доходов и фактором роста влияния все же останется уничтожение монстров. Кроме вашего города есть в этом мире еще пара сил, которые не стоит игнорировать.


Depths of Peril is a single player action RPG (role-playing game) with strong strategy elements. You play as a faction leader protecting the barbarian city, Jorvik, by destroying threatening monsters and completing quests. At the same time, you compete with rival factions to see who will rule the city. Barbarians choose their leaders by fighting to the death!
As a faction leader, you must deal with rival factions through diplomacy, trade, and in time, war. Between battles and raids against other barbarian factions, you build the most powerful faction possible, to withstand your enemies. Building the power of a faction involves exploring a fantasy world, slaying dangerous monsters, solving quests for the city, avoiding deadly traps, and plundering loot to share within your faction.
But in this world, actions actually have consequences, so take care. Annoying the powerful and aggressive Legion of Fear faction will cause them to declare war and destroy you. Ignored Orc uprisings in the Black Forest will cause even more trouble. Protect ally covenants that are being raided, because friends are hard to come by.

Game features:
• Unique blend of action RPG with strategy elements
• Leader of one warring faction fighting for supremacy
• Must navigate relationships with enemy factions using diplomacy, trade, war, and raids
• Real and hard consequences from a living world
• Breathing, evolving world
• A deep wellspring of history (40+ short stories, 60,000+ words)
• Random, seamless world

• fixed Cuastic Grotto spelling
• fixed localization issue on vendor and bookshelf screens
• fixed Ember Necklace not localized correctly
• made Stats::increaseStat a bit safer from overflows
• can now give food/potions to people from other covenants if adventuring with them
• now recruits from other covenants keep their bonuses after death
• fixed next target command
• fixed treasure map quests to not get out of range of the world
• made kidnapping quest a bit easier
• fixed fire mastery not effecting Spontaneous Combustion correctly
• fixed sweepingflames, ice storm, chain lightning, ball lightning mastery issues
• fixed a way npcs could potentially get stuck casting

System requirements:
• Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista
• DirectX 8.1
• 1.2 MHz
• 128 MB RAM

Resolution: 800x600 Fullscreen/Windowed

Screenshots: #1 #2 #3


Скачать / Download - RapidShare | FileFactory | DepositFiles - 87.9 MB
Пароль / Password: www.2baksa.net
Depths of Peril v1.014

Patch v1.014 - 1.7 MB

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Раздел: Игры | 20.10.09 | 04:47

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