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Earth 3D Screensaver v1.0
Новость от: brodyga
Просмотров: 1167
Красивый скринсейвер, дающий возможность взглянуть на нашу планету из космоса. ******************************************************************************************* How did you imagine your future profession when you were 10? In my case, I decided to be an astronaut. I was sitting under a table with a saucepan on my head. My space table moved in space protecting the Earth from invaders of all kind. I'd shoot the invaders with a deadly flash-light gun. We are not kids anymore. But, are you sure that all your daydreams have vanished completely? Are you sure you wouldn't take a chance to look at the Earth from a space shuttle window? Let's make a test...

Today, you can easily turn your monitor into a realistic space shuttle window. I am not speaking of stupid space shooters. Earth 3D Screensaver is a realistic 3D globe model. It emulates a space orbiter window. Our planet looks exactly as it is seen by astronauts. You see the blackness of outer space with sparks of stars on it. You are flying around the Earth, a huge colorful ball with a thin veil of atmosphere. This is not like looking on a typical school globe. The view on the Earth from your monitor is so real. It's so easy to imagine... When finished being nostalgic, you can use the interactive mode. Instead of moving by a randomly selected orbit, you can control the globe. Use your arrow keys to rotate the globe. Earth 3D Screensaver allows you to turn on additional objects in the options. You can see airplanes, and labelled large cities and territories. The most exciting type of objects available are the 3D models of the most well known world objects. For example, you can see the Statue of Liberty in New York, the pyramids in Egypt or Kremlin in Moscow. It's a very entertaining mode and it's just plain fun. Want to amaze your friends? You should give this screensaver a try! 25 Nov 2005 12.03 MB Страница загрузки/Page of Loading

Rar pass: www.2baksa.net

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Раздел: Оформление | 28.11.05 | 03:50

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
phant 28.11.05 | 10:45:58

And the file on http://www.3planesoft.com/files/earth.exe razz
philau 28.11.05 | 12:17:38

can anyone get this to work without nag screens?
Борис 28.11.05 | 13:54:26

Это крякнутый экзешник, программа в систему то не устанавливается... redface
sequentia 28.11.05 | 16:52:39

download original earth.exe from website author and replace with rar cool
Alkion 29.11.05 | 00:26:53

Чё то великоват он для крякнутого экзешника...
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