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Gratuitous Space Battles: The Order Expansion Pack (by Positech Games)
Новость от: Liandri
Просмотров: 2013
Второе Дополнение для Gratuitous Space Battles. Добавляет в игру новую расу Order с 10 собственными уникальными кораблями и 4 новыми типами оружия (радиационное, атомное и др.). Корабли Order имеют модульную структуру, отличаются малой манёвренностью, но генерируют огромное количество энергии. Радиационные пушки и атомные ракеты наносят урон прямым попаданием и дальнейшей коррозией, световые ракеты обладают большей скоростью, а специальные мины замедляют скорость вражеских истребителей.

Be warned heathen un-believers. The Galaxy is not your plaything. This galaxy was created in a weekend by the one true god, and he has no room in it for the likes of heathen aliens such as you. If your species is not listed in the holy book of the one true god, then it's pretty clear you are mistake, and the Order is here to rectify mistakes. For is it not written (depending on translations) that the total destruction of all alien species with devastating radioactive cannons and nuclear space-missiles is the will of the one true god? So say us. So say The ORDER.
The Order is the latest species in the universe of Gratuitous Space Battles. The Order are here to do god's work, and it's done primarily through nuclear missiles, limpet mines and radiation guns. Apparently leafleting and hymns just didn't get the job done. In any case, the Order have you in their sights. Prepare to be crushed, alien swine.
The Order is an expansion pack for Gratuitous Space Battles. It's for people who have played the original game enough that they crave new ship designs and scenarios, and want more variety in the game.

Pack includes:
10 New ships. 4 Cruisers 3 Frigates and 3 fighters, all in a new graphical style by the same artist who did the original GSB artwork. The Order ships use tractor beams to keep the different components together. Girders are so 2450's.
4 New weapon types: The radiation gun does impact damage plus ongoing internal radiation damage as its effects devastate your ship from the inside. Nuclear missiles provide the same entertainment in missile form. Firefly rockets give normal cruiser rockets a boost of speed, and lastly, cunning anti-fighter limpet mines latch on to incoming fighters and drag them down to speeds where everyone can take pot shots at them.
New ship bonuses. The Order ships have pretty poor engines, but those big green throbbing powerplants kick out more juice on Order ships. What could you design given more power and less speed? The Order is your opportunity to find out.
2 New Scenarios. Two maps for you to fight against the Order, one is a normal map, but with the fun and games of a nice aesthetically pleasing 3D style asteroid field (does not affect gameplay but looks cool), and the other is a 'survival' mode match where you play last ship standing and try to score higher than other players in the global high score table.

Screenshots: #1 #2 #3 #4

Gratuitous Space Battles v1.35

Gratuitous Space Battles: The Tribe Expansion Pack


Скачать / Download - RapidShare | FileFactory | DepositFiles - 9.58 MB
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Раздел: Игры | 28.02.10 | 22:58

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
Haximob 28.02.10 | 23:05:32

FrenFolio 28.02.10 | 23:06:42

Mirror (зеркало) to LetItBit


Bang2Rights 01.03.10 | 16:10:24

thank you amazing stuff from you again!!! smile biggrin surprised
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