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Acclaim Entertainment: Machines (Механизмы) Полная русская версия
Новость от: mechanism
Просмотров: 3678

Стратегия в режиме реального времени с возможностью управления каждой боевой единицей от первого лица. Игра позволяет Вам командовать своими силами и от изометрии третьего лица. Вы управляете гонкой основанных на кремниваемых формах жизни. Ваша миссия состоит в том, чтобы завоевывать миры и доминировать над ними. Одна из лучших стратегий 1999-го года! Игра полностью трехмерная, с ускорением аппаратных средств, требуемым для ландшафта игры и динамического освещения и эффектов окружающей среды. Да, да! Это эволюция: калькулятор, робот, плазмаган! Теория мертвой эволюции (эволюции механических устройств), рассказанная Станиславом Лемом в его повести "Непобедимый", нашла свое воплощение в детище Charybdis - трехмерной RTS Machines. Для ведения успешных боевых действий Вам предоставят: полсотни разнообразных машин, навороченное технологическое древо, немного нестандартную систему добычи ресурсов и широкий выбор тактических ухищрений. Эти тактические ухищрения больше всего и пленяют в геймплее, особенно - возможность управлять любым юнитом от первого лица!
Чего только стоит заехать на маленьком роботе-разведчике внутрь вражеской постройки и потихоньку сжигать ее изнутри огнеметом - при грамотном проведении такой операции, выкурить Вас из здания будет нелегко. Или высадить в центре базы неприятеля робота-иуду, который начнет переводить чужие юниты под Ваш контроль - хаос в стане врага обеспечен! Ну, или можно просто скинуть на него ядерную боеголовку - выбор за Вами! И это далеко не все хитрости. Правда, чтобы узнать обо всех, придется проштудировать мануал, который в саму игру не встроен.


Machines is a real-time strategy game where you control a race of silicon-based life forms on a mission to seed and dominate new worlds. The game lets you command your forces from both an isometric third-person perspective and a free-roaming, ground-level view, but it will also let you jump into any of your units to steer it, aim it, and fire it. This feature will let you guide vital units deep into enemy bases - dodging defensive fire - and actually enter enemy facilities to steal or sabotage technology. All of this will be delivered in 3D, with hardware acceleration required for the game's 3D terrain, the fully polygonal units, and the dynamic lighting and environment effects.

Год выпуска: 1999
Жанр: Real Time Strategy + Simulator
Разработчик: Charybdis
Издательство: Acclaim Entertainment
Платформа: PC
Размер архива: 349.84 Mb
Тип издания: RiP
Язык интерфейса: русский(7Волк)
Звук: русский(7Волк)
Таблэтка: Присутствует(NOCD от THETA - THX!)

In the year 2136...

The Earth had fully recovered from the Fourth World War. Genetic engineering and advances in medicine had made disease and most other causes of premature death a thing of the past. With life expectancy doubled and armed conflict a dim memory; the greatest threat to peace and prosperity on Earth became that of overcrowding.

The need to colonize the worlds of nearby star systems in order to alleviate the mounting problems became clear. With huge global resources being invested in the project, light speed engine technology was soon developed, but initial tests indicated that faster-than-light travel was fatal for any cell-based organisms attempting the jump. It was announced that research would continue into producing an FTL technology that humans and other organisms could survive, but that giant sleeper ships with places for millions of colonists travelling in suspended animation would be constructed as a contingency plan. As robot drones had successfully traveled to and returned from the target systems, however, it was decided that the time the people of Earth would have to wait before finally reaching the new colony worlds could still be put to use. Modified industrial robots were therefore sent in advance to these distant systems, their purpose being the initiation of the terraforming processes that would ultimately transform planets from inhospitable rocks into worlds fit for human occupancy.

Numerous "seeder ships" were launched, each containing "seeding pods", huge metal cocoons containing sufficient equipment and resources to begin the terraforming program on any suitable planet. These would be dropped from orbit to key landing sites on the planet, and the mechanical units within would emerge to begin the terraforming process, exploiting local resources to replicate themselves as required. Aboard each pod was a "Controller Unit", an AI supercomputer developed by humanity to oversee and control the robot drones as they executed their terraforming activities. Each controller was largely autonomous but was programmed to defer, in matters of global strategy, to the first unit to successfully land on any given planet. This system of having a prime controller, with executive power, would immediately prevent problems of conflict resolution in cases where the intentions of any two controllers on a planet were contradictory.

82% of the seeding pods from the seeding ship Hermes landed successfully on the planet designated "Eden 4". The construction machines contained within the pods began the lengthy preparation process, the extraction of precious local mineral deposits facilitating the production of the domestic units and factories that would shortly serve the humans upon their arrival.

The projected first landing date came and went.
The machines were instructed to wait for a further one hundred years.
The machines waited.
Mankind never arrived.

The controller units continued for hundreds of years with their function of creating and supervising new machines to develop the planet, until all of the resources on Eden 4 were exhausted. This was an eventuality the machines' creators had never anticipated. The central directive of Eden 4's prime controller caused it to look for further territory to colonize. As there was none left on the planet itself, the controller investigated the possibility of colonizing neighboring worlds. Using contingency communications hardware, it made contact with the original seeding ship which was still in orbit around the planet. The technology found onboard the ship was examined, copied and integrated. The Machines of Eden 4 were then ready to explore new worlds and so continue the work of their central directive.

Over the many centuries that followed, the controller expanded the territory it controlled, with many planets seeded by its machines. Each newly colonized planet was still under the direct control of the Eden 4 controller on its home planet, the pods landing there instructed to defer to that machine as the ultimate authority. Communication with every machine on every planet was achieved through the use of both ground-based and orbiting communication stations, vital elements for the smooth running of the emerging 'empire'.

Five hundred and sixty years after Eden 4 was first seeded, another race of seeding machines from Earth was encountered in the Corinthian system. Contact was established with the prime controller of the other machine race, which had originally landed on the planet Midian, and the message was sent that it should now cede power to the Eden 4 controller. The Midian controller returned a message informing the Eden 4 controller that it should now cede power to the Midian controller. The Eden 4 controller used its inference engine to determine that the Midian machines' controller was faulty and should be deactivated, and sent a message informing the Midian machines of its intentions. The Midian controller sent a message a few milliseconds later instructing the Eden 4 machines that their controller was malfunctioning and would have to be deactivated.

For want of a contingency clause in the control deferral logic, the greatest war the galaxy had ever seen had begun.

The Eden 4 Controller realized that it could best serve the requirements of its new mission by creating devices for the specific purpose of terminating the machines under the command of the flawed Midian controller. It commenced research into adapting the tools of construction into purely destructive devices. Within a matter of days, it had built new battle machines that carried crude weapons, and began to deploy these even as it continued its experiments into destruction technology. New AI software was researched allowing specialized battle tactics to be employed. Construction plans for a huge number of military factories were beamed to all of its colonies. Meanwhile, through similar processes of inference and action, the Midian controller had been following a similar strategic path, and enemy landings began occurring on a number of the Eden 4 race's colonized worlds. The Eden 4 controller responded with swift counterattacks against the outposts of its adversary.

It is now 3297...
It is almost five hundred years since the start of the Machine War. The local systems of this galactic arm have hundreds of planets that machines of both allegiances have colonized. The control of many of these is now contested almost continually. The Eden 4 controller, aware that the enemy has managed to encroach into systems near its own home world, has decided to try to end the war once and for all with a concerted effort to destroy its rival controller on the enemy's home planet. It has created several experimental, semi-autonomous AI subprocesses to carry out the special role of supervising this military offensive.

And so it is that you find yourself created, suddenly aware of your own existence, and aware of the purpose for which you were intended.

It is time to serve your controller in the final stages of the Machine War.

Machines offers everything you've been waiting for in a 3D RTS game including:
• Real time 3D world makes it real. If you don't hide, attack, and sneak units inside buildings to conduct covert operations, your enemies will, and you will die.
• Multiple Perspectives allows precise control over your battalion.
• Easy Interface that will be immediately familiar.
• Campaign mode offers 20 different scenarios that will have you traveling across the universe to different planets in search of enemy home world.
• Diverse landscapes including desserts, cratered moons, green rolling hills & islands. Fight in indoor and outdoor locations, asteroids belts and space stations.
• Army of Machines -Research and build 50 different machines each with unique abilities and attributes. Machines are polygonal units which stand tall, no more tiny sprites!
• More than 25 different weapons including Flame Throwers, Plasma Rifles, Ion Cannons, Nuclear Weapons, and many more all with astonishing effects.
• Defend your base - Build 18 different types of constructions and 7 different missile emplacements. • Travel inside buildings to hide, heal and steal!!
• Sabotage and espionage capabilities: Deposit mines inside enemy buildings, steal research and pass back vital enemy information.
• Multiplayer Action -4 player games on a LAN or over the Internet. Supports Microsoft's Internet Gaming Zone.

1. Распаковываем папку Machines из архив(-ы) в любое место
2. Запускаем с Machines.exe
3. Наслаждаемся игрой

Особенности сборки:
1. Применен патч 1.15
2. Таблетка встроена( если что-то не получается, внимательно читать NOCD - Theta->readme.txt)
3. Игра запускается на всех платформах, текст и звук полностью русские
4. Ничего не вырезано, ролики теперь проигрываются и для этого не нужно вставлять Диск2!
5. Есть сэйвы на всякий случай ;)

Примечание: для нормальной необходимо выставить разрешение более 800*600

Системные требования:
OS: Windows 9x-Seven
CPU: 233Mhz
RAM: 32Mb
HDD: 400-600 Mb

Screenshots: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7

Оф.сайт / Site: http://www.wiredforwar.org/?page=home

Acclaim Entertainment: Machines (Cracked by THETA)

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Раздел: Игры | 22.03.10 | 00:23

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
mechanism 22.03.10 | 05:32:31

Внимание: выложена игра вместе со всеми роликами. Будет идти без диска2 с роликами между уровнями. Ссылки перезалиты!
PADlabs 23.03.10 | 11:01:53

а скрины можно выложить?
mechanism 23.03.10 | 17:23:50

PADlabs, сделаны скриншоты
Akimchik 08.05.10 | 02:30:21

Отличная игра! smile
pangeran 10.05.10 | 15:16:31

this game is english version / russia version ?
gadstor 01.09.10 | 13:46:57

как поменять разрешение?
Liandri 01.09.10 | 13:49:24

Кажется, в игре для этого имеются настройки.
gadstor 01.09.10 | 14:01:30

я в ние даж зайти нимагу пишет ошибка при 640 на 480...
Liandri 01.09.10 | 14:15:51

Тогда даже не знаю в чём дело. У меня на XP SP3 запускалась нормально, насколько я помню.
gadstor 01.09.10 | 14:30:36

у меня хр sp2 не похоже чтоб в этом причина была ладно и на том спс
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