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Clock Tower 3D Screensaver 1.1 Build 3
Новость от: brodyga
Просмотров: 1109
Красивая башня с часами на Вашем рабочем столе, 24 часа в день, чтобы знать точное время. Часы «ударяют» каждые 15, 30, 45 и 60 минут. Наблюдайте, как день превращается в ночь, последний луч света мягко падает на лицо часов, насладитесь красивым закатом, уходящего дня… ******************************************************************************************* 3Planesoft is pleased to introduce a new 3D realistic screensaver - Clock Tower 3D Screensaver. It will take your mind far from the ordinary world into a quiet and peaceful medieval town, with its small houses and narrow streets. Imagine that you are standing in the central square of the town and observe the beautiful architecture of the clock tower. This is the oldest clock tower in the town and has kept time for countless years. It was built long ago, and since those days it has become the symbol of the town. Keeping its spirits, its traditions, and it's secrets. Massive gothic styled spires decorate the top of the tower, ancient stained-glass windows shimmer on the sunlight. The aged and worn stones of the clock tower remember the centuries.

Town inhabitants have always gathered under the steep clock tower walls in times of sorrow, or to celebrate festive occasions. The Old Clock Tower raises the spirits of the people and they forget all their problems and vanities as soon as they hear the measured striking of the old clock. Life goes on, centuries go by. But the precise clockwork, skillfully forged by medieval watch-makers, continues to accurately move the clocks hands, following the time. With first rays of light, on a sunny day, after the working day, or in a moonlit night, the ancient clock tower always shows you the exact time. Clock Tower 3D Screensaver makes it real! You can observe the ancient clock tower on your desktop 24 hours a day to know the exact time. Furthermore, it completely takes you to the surreal medieval town. Watch as the first rays of light gently fall on the clock face. You may even enjoy the beautiful sunset. Even at night you can see the clock tower illuminated by the artificial light. The clock strikes every 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes. Enjoy the calming sound of the clock striking as the sun sets, and forget about the routine and the problems of a working day. Clock Tower 3D Screensaver will take you to the past into a small European medieval town. 25.36 MB Страница загрузки/Page of Loading

Rar pass: www.2baksa.net

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Раздел: Оформление | 04.02.06 | 22:45

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
MMM 04.02.06 | 23:12:48

biggrin work ,, thanx
IgorSA 05.02.06 | 02:33:01

thank you, Brodyga biggrin
Kaens 05.02.06 | 03:53:02

Почему бы не выложить целебную часть отдельно? Учитывая, что в ней, собственно, уже и находится вся программа в запускаемом/скринсейверном виде... Да и качать гораздо меньше.
Vetroff 05.02.06 | 04:36:39

А почему бы не поискать "целебную" часть в Нете самостоятельно??? Админы выкладывают крэки с той версией софта,с какой она наверняка работает!. Чтобы потом от вами подобных не било закидонов типа "Fix DON'T Work arrow "и в этом плане... Команде сайта БОЛЬШОЕ спасибо за порой неблагодарную работу...
ugik 05.02.06 | 12:36:29

Добавлю в свою коллекцию красивых и качественных заставок. Спасибо smile
Cometosee 06.02.06 | 07:58:41

Vetroff, ну ты и зануда... razz
Mangust 07.02.06 | 00:12:25

Пароль 2baksa.net не подходит. sad Размер файла 37 007 800? Пишет crc-error, возможно неправильный пароль.
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