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EarthView v 3.4.0
Новость от: brodyga
Просмотров: 1155
Обновился многим полюбившийся - EarthView ,скринсейвер, который создает высокодетализованные красивые виды земли (глобус или карта). Программа поддерживает смену дня/ночи, облака, огни городов.
EarthView is a dynamic desktop wallpaper and screen saver, which displays beautiful views of the earth with daylight and night shadows. It produces colorful, high quality, high resolution images for every screen resolution - even beyond 1600x1200! The program supports map and globe views, urban areas, city lights, atmospheric effects, clouds, local time display and much more. EarthView supports four different beautiful maps of the earth, starting at 10 km resolution, which means that at 100% zoom level, 1 pixel on your screen equals 10 kilometers on earth. If you purchase the full version, you'll get the possibility to download even more detailed versions of some maps, which have higher resolution. This means, they have much more detail, so you can zoom in even further!

EarthView main features: * High detail view of the earth * Day and night view * Urban areas and city lights * Clouds * Three beautiful maps to choose from * Locations of more than 3000 Cities with local time * Map and globe projection * Wallpaper and screen saver support * Multiple monitor support * Many options for full customization * and much more... Version 3.4.0(05.02.06) * Fix: improved image update cycles * Fix: improved compatibility to multi-user environments 2.84 MB Страница загрузки/Page of Loading

Rar pass: www.2baksa.net

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Вводим эти символы в поле и кликаем "Start Download".

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Раздел: Оформление | 07.02.06 | 23:27

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
Dimasus 08.02.06 | 00:19:39

Касперыч пишет что earthview.exe из папки Crack заражен Virus.Win32.KME. sad Что делать? Выкинут антивирус или прогу? smile
Free User ROM 08.02.06 | 00:50:33

Please forget me because I’m a bad user for you and I hope… surprised Have a nice day, Regards, smile
brodyga 08.02.06 | 00:55:38

2 Free User ROM Dear, make our links and put our password
Free User ROM 08.02.06 | 01:07:21

OK brodyga, I don't have free time for make that... If you are restricted about that please make this restriction for all not for me... This post will be deleted if you want... Sorry, release you all maps for all people with your pass My pay for internet connection is not small… Regards, confused
brodyga 08.02.06 | 01:29:40

And still we give you a bonus account, you are happy with it? And others and I including, above it work! And Internet and at me road and even very dear expensive!
Liandri 08.02.06 | 01:53:15

Free User ROM brodyga Hey what's going on?? What are you talking about? Anyway, i want to help, if You need to re-upload something with pass, tell me or other our friends! They will help too! rolleyes
Free User ROM 08.02.06 | 02:54:49

I thing, what I post, now, it’s good… They are 3 maps, 5KM each… The password for the bellows files is: 2baksa.net “link” “:-:” “size” http://rapidshare.de/files/12777048/A5K.rar.html :-: 8.45 MB http://rapidshare.de/files/12777410/P5K.rar.html :-: 7.18 MB http://rapidshare.de/files/12777783/R5K.rar.html :-: 6.87 MB Best Regards, and HAVE a NICE day redface
Free User ROM 08.02.06 | 02:57:45

FREE maps: http://www.desksoft.com/Download/Maps/Realistic%20(10%20km).zip http://www.desksoft.com/Download/Maps/Artistic%20(10%20km).zip http://www.desksoft.com/Download/Maps/Scientific%20(10%20km).zip Regards, redface
Free User ROM 08.02.06 | 03:02:03

the Map 2 - Realistic - 2,7 km resolution it's too big sorry because I don't released that... redface
jiclay 08.02.06 | 03:49:25

thanks for the 5km maps, but there is something wrong with earthview.exe in the crack dir, it is not possible to copy it to other directory. I have returned to the v. 3.3.5 could anybody help?
LOM 08.02.06 | 06:51:27

СПАСИБО !!! surprised lol
Liandri 08.02.06 | 10:59:06

Free User ROM How many MB in this maps which too big for you?
Free User ROM 08.02.06 | 11:08:47

Realistic 2.7 km (21.78 MB) - but I will post in this night when my connection is big (135 KB), now is very slow... (24 KB)
jiclay 08.02.06 | 11:34:37

Virus.Win32.KME confirmed
jiclay 08.02.06 | 11:36:06

Virus.Win32.KME confirmed
Free User ROM 08.02.06 | 11:46:18

For a few moments, I used a new user and pass for a biggest connection and I released the map: http://rapidshare.de/files/12793090/R2.7K.rar.html :-: 21.76 MB Best Regards, redface
Liandri 08.02.06 | 12:46:59

Free User ROM This is WOW! biggrin Respect! Thanks from all our users to You! Would be any other your releases? redface
Liandri 08.02.06 | 14:01:10

Про вирус... Онлайн-проверка Касперского ворчит и на кряк, и на официальный файл ЕХЕ... Делайте выводы lol
TROY 08.02.06 | 16:49:54

народ, это конечно круто что знать english, но нужно знать что его знают не многие! (о как!, я человек простой..... ;-)
b2b 08.02.06 | 17:20:23

Kaspersky - Virus.Win32.KME
Liandri 08.02.06 | 17:41:58

There is NO virus in crack. However, your AV will say that BOTH crack and prog.exe are viruses. Just don't believe that rolleyes TROY А что тут непонятного? Один из наших заядлых посетителей выложил карты для этой проги... Те, которые платные, которые достать не так-то просто razz Спасибо ему огромное!
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