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Pirates of Black Cove v1.0.5.8062 (by Nitro Games) Eng/Fr/Ger/Spa + DLC
Новость от: Liandri
Просмотров: 5232
Стартегия с элементами экшна и RPG. Выберите одного из нескольких пиратских капитанов, соберите экипаж и отправляйтесь в плавание по семи морям!
Действие игры разворачивается в 16 столетии, во время золотой эры пиратства. Теперь у вас есть все шансы стать самым известным пиратом и покорить Карибы! Для того чтобы продвинуться в ранге пиратского братства, вам будут необходимы сила, отвага и хитрость, а для более быстрого продвижения вам предстоит давать взятки и убивать. По достижении высокого ранга вы получите в свое владение крепость, которую сможете развивать, и вместе с другими капитанами создать свой флот. Лишь уничтожив другие крепости, вы станете королём всех пиратов. Игровой процесс объединяет в себе элементы напряженных морских сражений и поверхностного управления городом. Join, champion, and unite the three pirate factions: Pirates, Corsairs and Buccaneers. You must ultimately leverage this unity in all-out war against the evil Pirates of Black Cove. Manage and develop parts of three strongholds and visit them to pick up faction and storyline missions. Visit the Alchemist to find out what special ingredients are needed for the wacky potions and embark on adventures to find and collect them. Unite the three Pirate factions to gain access to their hero units and ultimately take down the Pirates of Black Cove and become King of all the pirates. If you have what it takes that is. • Roam the open World with your Pirate crew and pick up missions as you sail the seas. • Notoriety and fame brings you closer to your ultimate goal: the King of All Pirates • Battle it out with the forces of Black Cove and other colonial nations on both land and sea • Select your character from several different Pirate Captains, each with their own unique skills and features • Make creative use of some of he wackiest land and sea based weapons ever to grace a Pirate world • Varied units and weapons allows You to carry out the battles as You see fit Pirates of Black Cove: Origins DLC Pirates of Black Cove Origins takes place in the days before the Black Cove faction was founded. Assume the role of the legendary Captain Grog - the pirate who grew tired of losing the most valuable treasure ships to the united pirate clans. Being outnumbered against the pirate union, Captain Grog decides to plant seeds of betrayal among the pirate clans in order to get them to fight with each other. After the successful separation of the pirate alliance and the new-found union with the dark forces of the Forgotten Isle, he then forms a new faction – the Black Covians. • 4 story driven, action packed chapters to fight through • 3 new bad to the bone heroes • This time you take the command of Black Cove units! Screenshots: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 System requirements: • Windows XP/Vista/7 • DirectX 9c • 2 GHz • 2 GB RAM Screenshots: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 Pirates.of.Black.Cove.v1.0.5.8041.multi4.retail-THETA Скачать / Download - MegaUpload #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 | FileFactory #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 | DepositFiles #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 - 2.72 GB Пароль / Password: www.2baksa.net Pirates.of.Black.Cove.Origins.DLC.v1.0.5.8062.multi4.retail-THETA Скачать / Download - MegaUpload #1 #2 #3 | FileFactory #1 #2 #3 | DepositFiles #1 #2 #3 - 1.31 GB Пароль / Password: www.2baksa.net
Раздел: Игры | 08.12.11 | 15:38
Design by DolpHin | Disclaimer Реклама | E-mail для связи: | Skype: diim_diim | ICQ: 400632 |