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Athentech Perfectly Clear 1.6.5 for Adobe Photoshop
Новость от: leteha
Просмотров: 3691

Perfectly Clear Plugin – плагин, позволяющий применять автоматические исправления в пределах разрабатываемого проекта в PHOTOSHOP… Perfectly Clear Photoshop Plug-in предоставляет Вам возможность всего в один щелчок мыши откорректировать фотографии до совершенного вида. Просто загрузите данный плагин и Ваша выбранная фотография будет автоматически исправленна. Работает и на 8-битных и на 16-битных изображениях в пределах Photoshop (существует raws-конвертирование, с применением Adobe Camera Raw).


Perfectly Clear Photoshop Plug-In instantly gives you one click photo correction perfection. Simply load the Plug-in and your selected photo will be automatic corrected. It works on both 8 bit and 16 bit images within Photoshop (raws are converted using Adobe Camera Raw). All the same corrections and presets available in our stand-alone are also available in our Plug-in.

В цифровых камерах есть 15 ограничений, которые приводят к таким нежелательным искажениям в вашей фотографии как: недоэкспонированность, засветка, затемненность, нехватка насыщенности и глубины цвета, плохой тон кожи, размытость, "красные глаза", шумы и т.д. Плагин Perfectly Clear исправит эти дефекты в автоматическом или ручном режимах с применением собственной фирменной технологии, в которой применены более 10 запатентованных корректировок и 10 лет научных исследований.
Perfectly Clear работает и с 8 и 16 -битными изображениями в пределах Photoshop (с RAW-файлами после конвертирования с применением Adobe Camera Raw).

Плагин Perfectly Clear позволяет корректировать в автоматическом режиме следующие параметры изображения:
1. Баланс Белого
2. Цветовой Тон
3. Глубина и интенсивность цвета
4. Чистота фотоснимка (подавление шума)
5. Портретный фотоснимок
6. Тон кожи
7. Экспозиция
8. Резкость

Традиционные методы автоисправления изображений не всегда приводят к желаемому результату. Perfectly Clear заслуживает вашего внимания, чтобы бы доверить ему автокоррекцию своих фото с бесценными воспоминаниями. Не всегда есть время, чтобы вручную исправлять каждую фотографию. Perfectly Clear даст вам возможность мгновенно одним щелчком мыши довести фотографию до совершенства. Просто запустите плагин и выбранные фотографии будут автоматически исправлены.

• Совместимость с Windows х86/x64
• Совместимость с Photoshop CS4 и CS5 32/64-битной версиями
• Поддержка слоев
• Редактирования только выбранной области на фотографии
• Смарт резкость (Новый диапазон: 0-200 вместо 0-100)
• Эффективное использование памяти.
• Изменяемый размер окна плагина
• Окно плагина умещается на широкоформатных мониторах.(1280 X 800).
• Эффективные ярлычки сэкономят еще больше времени
I) Слайдеры (ползунки) могут быть скорректированы с помощью прокрутки колеса мыши
II) размер окна плагина фиксируется в памяти и при следующем использовании приложения вам не придется изменять размер каждый раз,
III) Ctrl + / — сочетания клавиш для масштабирования.
• Расширенный интерфейс

Perfectly Clear promises:
1. The easiest and fastest way to improve every photo you take – saving you time, and
2. The highest quality photos you can imagine – what we call superior photos.
Fast and Easy
Think back and remember your excitement at taking your first great photo. Wasn’t that fun? Now contrast that with today’s world where the fun of taking photos has been marred by having to spend minutes to hours to days editing your photos and enhancing them and sorting them and storing them …
Imagine a world where you would have the fun and excitement of taking great photos and not have the burden of spending hours trying to edit them and fix them. You’re now imagining a Perfectly Clear world – a world where a smart software system does something even better than edit your photos – a world where one click actually corrects all of your photos – fully automatically. Let’s say you’ve just shot 500 photos. Now imagine batch processing all 500 images using Actions in Photoshop. Automatically! A Perfectly Clear world.
“This image was corrected with Perfectly Clear. it looks like the one that I worked on using Photoshop — it took over 10 minutes in Photoshop, and many adjustments — brighten, sharpen, change the contrast and other tweaks — and only 1 click and instant with Perfectly Clear!“
-Carl Whitt, Pro Photographer
The Plugin displays for you the ‘before’ and ‘after ‘ photo so you can easily determine if you want to fine tune any of them. And here’s the good news. Fine tuning a Perfectly Clear photo is fun and instant. Here’s why. It’s the only system where all corrections function independently. Therefore the magic is you’re tweaking your photos with independent controls. This means that if, for example, you want to tweak the exposure you won’t mess up the photo’s vibrancy, or if you want to tweak the sharpness you won’t affect the color etc. Experience the magic of independent controls – fine tuning photos in seconds. You can also quickly select another preset to apply automatically to your photo or create your own custom one.
So Perfectly Clear Photoshop Plug-in is all about quick, easy and fast – it’s all about saving vast amounts of time and putting the fun, and yes profit, back into photography … and it’s also about getting high quality photos – superior photos to any other method. The key is that Perfectly Clear ‘corrects’ photos – it doesn’t ‘enhance’ photos. A corrected photo is superior to an “enhanced” photo, and not by a little but by a lot, and here’s why.

Perfectly Clear means Superior Quality Photos
There are multiple reasons why a Perfectly Clear photo is superior to other photos. Perfectly Clear reproduces what the eye sees by “adding back” the eye function that a camera lacks. By better reproducing what the eye sees, Perfectly Clear photos elicit enthusiastic responses from participants, audiences and photographers alike. Photography is the art of eliciting emotion, and Perfectly Clear does it best.
"Cameras don\’t match human vision. They don’t perceive and record depth and dimension information. And they don¹t record anywhere near as much "metadata" as we associate with our visual memories. Rising to these capabilities is a huge challenge. But ultimately, whether we realize it or not, we as users expect nothing less from our cameras than to equal what we see with our eyes, and we won¹t be satisfied until we get it. In this dawning age of images-as-language, the integrity of visual information, how well it reproduces our perception of reality, and the richness of context associated with it (who, what, when, where and why) are what determines the value of that visual information.
-Alexis Gerard, author of “Going Visual”, and co-founder of 6Sight imaging conferences."
This is only possible because Perfectly Clear applies 10 patented and patent pending processes in a very precise and rigorous way, replicating how the eye gathers light and overcoming the 15 ways your camera distorts your photos. Whether a camera is expensive or off the shelf, it still embodies limitations such as the single aperture which need to be overcome. Perfectly Clear makes its corrections while avoiding the pitfalls that all other editing and enhancement software introduce. And Perfectly Clear ensures quality through the auto – correction applying a comprehensive suite of 12 corrections, yet it is ‘smart’ enough to only apply the ones that a particular photo needs to be improved.
Quality award winning photos demands the three things Perfect Photos need: accurate colors, perfect exposure emulating the human eye and preservation of color nuances and details.

Version 1.5.7
1. Presets updated to use less sharpening
The details: Some of you felt that there was too much sharpening being applied to your photo initially, so we've lowered the amount (for example the Default used to apply 90%, now only 50% is applied). You can still apply more sharpening by simply moving the slider bar to the right and creating your own custom preset.

2. Mac only: Fixed bug that was applying the wrong amount of exposure to your final full resolution photo (Plug-in view was correct)
The details: if you turned exposure off in the Plug-in, or adjusted the exposure slider bar to a different amount, or selected a different preset and then re-selected Default, our Plug-in would always apply 100% exposure to the full resolution photo in Photoshop, even if exposure should have been a different value. Now the correct and same amount of exposure will be applied both in Plug-in window and final full resolution photo. Sorry about that!

3. Windows only: You can now run the Perfectly Clear Plug-in via a remote desktop
Note: all of your custom presets will be automatically migrated over when you install the latest version.

Официальный сайт | Home Page: www.athentech.com
Интерфейс: Английский
Размер: 27.89 MB

Athentech Perfectly Clear v1.6.5 for Adobe Photoshop (x86/x64) + Crack

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Раздел: Photoshop | 23.11.12 | 12:17

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