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SolSuite 2006 6.8
Новость от: brodyga
Просмотров: 921
Вышла новая версия - Solitaire Card Games - это самый крупный в мире сборник карточных игр, в котором например есть все виды пасьянсов. ******************************************************************************************* SolSuite 2006 is a high-quality collection of 461 solitaire games. All your favorite games are implemented: Spider, Klondike, FreeCell, Pyramid, Golf, Busy Aces, Canfield, Forty Thieves, Four Seasons, Carpet, Flower Garden, Rouge et Noir, Monte Carlo... and original solitaires that you cannot find elsewhere.

Each solitaire has more than nine trillion possible shuffles to play, so the game remains fresh no matter how many times you play. Enjoy the detailed statistics of each game with graphs, 3D charts (pies and bars) and tables to estimate your skill level (by total, current session, series of wins and losses, players' games won, players' score, hi-scores...), statistics for All Games, Won games, Not Won games, Over Average, Under Average, Not Played... For solitaire lovers, SolSuite 2006 is a guaranteed pleasure. Each of the games is fun and exciting and will keep you entertained for hours. If you like solitaire games, then you'll want to add SolSuite 2006 to your collection! SolSuite 2006's version 6.8 contains: - Spider solitaire games: 17 - FreeCell solitaire games: 11 - Klondike solitaire games: 26 - 23 other solitaire games types! - Solitaire for Children: Over 15 - Original solitaires: More than 110 SolSuite 2006's New features (Version 6.8): - New Card Size SolSuite 2006 has a new "standard" card size, which is much larger than previous versions. Numbers and suits are easier to see, and images show richer, more enhanced details. The new auto-sizing feature will adapt the cards to any screen resolution, from 640x480 to 1600x1200 pixels and higher. Playing SolSuite is now even more fun! For more information, please click here: http://www.solsuite.com/new_larger_card_sets.htm Note: In Version 6.8, "Classic" and "Royal" card sets are available in the new, larger size. Future versions of SolSuite will convert all additional sets to this format. - Redesigned and graphically improved the following decks: Eagle, Penguin, Tropical Fish, Dragon, Flowers, Snowman, Yellow Flowers, Clouds, Garden, Hills, Mountains, Sea, Red Roses. - New Card Set Included the new card set: "Royal". 07 Aug 2006 10.0 MB




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Раздел: Игры | 08.08.06 | 20:56

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
teo 09.08.06 | 03:08:38

biggrin biggrin biggrin
sake 10.08.06 | 16:26:06

biggrin smile biggrin
weter 25.09.06 | 11:22:23

evil wink дайте ключ для активации!!!!!! eek
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