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The World Fact Book 2006
Новость от: Fizzer
Просмотров: 1083
The World Fact Book 2006 & Factbook on Intelligence .... All-In-One Application includes: 01- The World Fact Book 2006 02- Factbook on Intelligence

01- The World Fact Book 2006 The World Factbook is produced by CIA's Directorate of Intelligence. The Factbook is a comprehensive resource of facts and statistics on more than 250 countries and other entities. What's New: - Country information has been updated as of 29 June 2006. - There have been some significant changes to the latest edition of The World Factbook. The European Union is now included as an "Other" entity at the end of the listing. The European Union continues to accrue more nation-like characteristics for itself and so a separate listing was deemed appropriate. A fuller explanation may be found under the European Union Preliminary statement. - Along with regular information updates, The World Factbook features several new or revised fields. In the Economy category, the Factbook is now reporting national GDP figures in US dollars converted at Official Exchange Rates (OER) in addition to GDP at Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) rates, since both measures contain information useful to our readers. Traditionally, only PPP-converted GDP values had been reported. - In the Transportation category, the former Highways entry is now Roadways, while Ports and harbors has been retitled Ports and terminals. - Revision of some individual country maps, first introduced in the 2001 edition, is continued in this edition. Several regional maps have also been updated to reflect boundary changes and place name spelling changes. 02- Factbook on Intelligence The book is an overview of the CIA organization, history, and mission Note: - The application is simply a web browser to help reading these books that come in html format. - You can also download the books from the CIA website free.
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Раздел: Книги | 11.08.06 | 08:19

Внимание! Всегда проверяйте анти-вирусом файлы, полученные по ссылкам в комментариях!
Attention! Always check files you download from links in comments with your anti-virus software!
svaff 11.08.06 | 09:45:55

Господа, выручайте... Ссылка не работает, а скачать хочется... Помогите плз. wink
Fizzer 11.08.06 | 09:52:13

Ссылка рабочая!!!!!
npo33770 13.08.06 | 06:26:28

Or download from: https://www.cia.gov/wfb-dld/2006/factbook.zip (36,893 kilobytes) or https://www.cia.gov/wfb-dld/2006/factbooka.zip (18,395 kilobytes) contains the complete Factbook except the PDF-format reference maps. With just these files, the Factbook is completely functional with the sole exception that the PDF map links on the Reference Maps page will not work. and https://www.cia.gov/wfb-dld/2006/factbookb.zip (18,498 kilobytes) contains only the 15 PDF-format reference maps. Home: https://www.cia.gov/cia/download.html Enjoy npo33770
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