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Slackware Linux v11.0 RC1
Новость от: slam
Просмотров: 1904
Slackware - один из дистрибутивов GNU/Linux. Он немного отличается от других популярных дистрибутивов (таких как Debian, Gentoo, Mandrakelinux, Red Hat и SuSE) тем, что Slackware был и остаётся «самым UNIX'овым» — его чертами являются стабильность и безопасность, а также простота установки, поддержки и использования. Поклонникам этого дистрибутива приписывают такое высказывание: «Если вы знаете Slackware — вы знаете GNU/Linux. Если вы знаете Red Hat, то всё, что вы знаете — это Red Hat».
******************************************************************************************* Slackware was one of the earliest Linux distributions, and is the oldest distribution still being maintained. It was created by Patrick Volkerding of Slackware Linux, Inc. It has a policy of incorporating only stable releases of applications, standing mainly for stability and ease of use. For a good while, other Linux distributions that came after it were in fact evaluated for their "Slackware compatibility". Changelog: a/hotplug-2004_09_23-noarch-9.tgz: Skip rc.hotplug if a new enough udev is running on a 2.6 kernel. No wonder the boot time didn't seem faster! :-) a/sysvinit-2.84-i486-62.tgz: If udev hasn't made /dev/cdrom and other symlinks, call a script from rc.M to make them. Added support to rc.K and rc.6 for an /etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown script. Thanks to Robert Boucher for the idea. Rob McGee and others have made similar requests before... thanks to all! a/udev-096-i486-4.tgz: Generate network card naming rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/network-devices.rules, but comment them out. I think these additions are not quite reliable enough in all cases to be the default for the Slackware 11 release (of course, you have udev occasionally detecting multiple network cards in a different order, and so on some router machines these rules will be needed). Or, you could run a 2.4.x kernel. ;-) If your system is naming network devices strangely you should delete your existing /etc/udev/rules.d/network-devices.rules and reboot. If that doesn't do the trick you'll probably need to edit the file. Instead of having udev make the CD/DVD symlinks, have a new script called /lib/udev/rc.optical-symlinks do it. If you'd rather use Piter Punk's method (which works better for hotplugging USB optical drives, for example), then just comment/uncomment the appropriate rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/udev.rules. n/whois-4.7.15-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to whois-4.7.15. Thanks to Gianluca Varisco for pointing out the new release. xap/gimp-2.2.12-i486-2.tgz: Fixed broken gimptool man page symlink. Home page. Дополнительная информация тут DownPage 3.478 MB Download/Скачать - slackware-current-14_Aug_2006-DVD.iso ** WARNING! ** This is experimental current ISO builds. They are NOT official, so use at your own risk! If you have any comments/suggestions/error-reports regarding these ISOs, let me know so I can improve the build-script! You'll find the script at: http://www.slackware.no/makeSlackISOs.sh New build every Monday at 0500 CET Enjoy! larstra (at) ifi uio no © ftp://ftp.slackware.no/pub/linux/ISO-images/Slackware/Current-ISO-build/README.TXT
Раздел: OC | 16.08.06 | 02:41
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