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Lightspeed v1.2 (by Cubiform Games)
Новость от: Liandri
Просмотров: 1166
Световая головоломка. Управляем разноцветными лазерами и зеркалами, пытаясь зажечь все сферы. Имеется редактор уровней.

Lightspeed, a game once born in a research lab, is now becoming more and more popular. The game rules are really quite simple. There is a light source that emits light (laser ray). You have different game elements that can absorb, reflect, refract or transmit light. Your job is to manipulate them (move and rotate) to illuminate all spheres present in the game level. It may sound simple (and it is at the very beginning), but the game gets to be increasingly complex and engaging as you move further. In fact, if first levels are passed within seconds and consequent ones take minutes to complete, the really difficult levels may take anywhere between half an hour to several hours to pass. The game is quite reminiscent of once very popular Incredible Machine and is equally addictive. Lightspeed has three level packs, designed for different skill levels – easy, medium and hard (total of 52 levels). And if you really fall in love with the game, like most folks do, you don’t have to worry about the game ever ending, because Lightspeed comes with own built-in level editor. In fact, you may even have family or office competition for the most challenging or the most original level.

System requirements:
• Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
• 200 Mhz
• 32 MB RAM
• DirectX 8.1

Resolution: 640x480/800x600/1024x768/1280x960 32-bit Fullscreen/Windowed


Screenshots / Скриншоты:


Download / Скачать - RapidShare - 3.23 MB

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Раздел: Игры | 18.08.06 | 15:34

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